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Google's (A) Dashboard, (B) Moto X Samrtphone & (C) New Nexus 7 Tablet

发表于 8-2-2013 11:18:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Tom Gara, My Life, and Past, as Seen Through Google’s Dashboard. Wall Street Journal, July 31, 2013.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 38402779534498.html
(“the easiest way to find your Google Dashboard is to go to Google.com and search for ‘Google Dashboard.’ * * * Google created the Dashboard in 2009”)

(2) Amir Efrati, Google’s Data-Trove Dance; Internal debates arise over using collected information and protecting privacy. Wall Street Journal, July 31, 2013.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 35812623154242.html

My comment: View the graphic ONLY.


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 楼主| 发表于 8-2-2013 11:19:08 | 只看该作者
(3) Brian X Chen. With Moto X, Google Enters a Crowded Marketplace; Taking on high-end rivals with a phone controlled by voice; A company with blemished record on hardware is giving it another try. New York Times, Aug 2, 2013.
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/0 ... rtphone-market.html


"The phone has all the standard features expected of today’s top smartphone, with a twist: the ability to control the phone by talking to it, without lifting a finger.

"sales could be an uphill climb. The phone * * * is landing squarely in the brutally competitive market for high-end smartphones. And Google has a lot to prove before it is taken seriously as a hardware maker.

"The phone learns the voice of its owner and responds only to it. Some people might find this creepy, but it is a feature that a user must turn on voluntarily.

"Mr [Iqbal] Arshad[, Motorola’s senior vice president of global product development,] said the company had to develop a new computing system, X8, to make Moto X work well. One low-powered processor in the phone is devoted to processing natural language. Another low-powered processor is dedicated to detecting movements of sensors — two twists of the wrist will open the phone’s camera, for example. The design of the computing system allows the phone to constantly listen for the user’s input and quickly respond without constantly draining the battery, he said. (The phone’s battery is supposed to last 24 hours handling various tasks.)

"The smartphone business is still expanding — in the second quarter this year, it grew 52 percent compared with last year, according to the research firm I.D.C. But most of that growth is coming from manufacturers offering cheap smartphones in emerging markets, he [Tero Kuittinen, a telecom analyst at Alekstra, a mobile diagnostics firm] said. And the companies competing with Apple and Samsung for the high-end market just have not had much luck. Mr Kuittinen said that after Google bought Motorola, it killed its line of low-cost cellphones and 'moved to high end, just when the high-end market ran out of gas.' * * * Google also has a track record of spotty hardware sales.  

My comment: There is no need to read the rest.

(4) Peter Svensson, US Factory Means Buyers Can Customize Google Phone. Associated Press, Aug 1, 2013.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/bu ... e3f77a67_story.html


"its [Google's] first smartphone designed completely in-house [as opposed to inheriting designs from Motorola, which Google bought last year, OR Google-branded Nexus phones created when Google worked with other phone manufacturers]

"Workers at the factory in Fort Worth, Texas, assemble the custom phone

"The Moto X is the first smartphone to be assembled in the US.

"The Fort Worth factory will let Google stamp the phone as 'Made in the US,' but assembly is just the last step in the manufacturing process, and accounts for relatively little of the cost of a smartphone. The cost largely lies in the chips, battery and display, most of which come from Asian factories. For instance, research firm iSuppli estimates that the components of Samsung’s latest flagship phone, the Galaxy S4, cost $229, while the assembly costs $8.

"The factory is owned and run by Flextronics International Ltd., a Singapore-based contract electronics manufacturer. It’s set to employ 2,000 people.

(a) The title in this posting comes is the original one when published by AP, which Washingtonpost.com changes.
(b) "Rick Osterloh, the head of product management at Motorola, said the Moto X has a special chip devoted to listening, which means it doesn't have the drain the battery by keeping the main processor running all the time."

Obviously there is a typo in "which means it doesn't have the drain the battery"--most likely, it should be "which means it doesn't drain the battery"--but I check other websites for the same AP story, and all have the same typo.
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 楼主| 发表于 8-2-2013 11:19:19 | 只看该作者
(5) Google unveiled the new Nexus 7 Tablet on July 24 (with Asus), in collaboration with Taiwan's Asus, which supplies the hardware expertise in the first and new versions. There is NO need to read text of (5) to (8) below.

(6) Katherine Boehret, Google's Nexus 7: The Budget Tablet to Beat; Small but mighty, the revamped device has an impressively sharp screen--but battery life disappoints. Wall Street Journal, July 31, 2013.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 37983964905800.html


"Just a year ago, Google introduced its Nexus 7, a mini tablet for $199 that posed a real challenge to Apple's bigger, pricier iPad. Three months later, Apple retaliated with its own small tablet, the iPad Mini, though its $329 price wasn't, well, mini enough for some. Now, a year after the introduction of the first Nexus 7, Google has unveiled a revamped version of its mini tablet with better features and a slightly bigger $229 price tag.

"The most notable difference between this new Nexus 7 and the iPad Mini is screen quality: The Nexus has a resolution of 1920 x 1200 with 323 pixels per inch, and the iPad Mini's screen resolution is just 1024 x 768 and 163 pixels per inch. It is also slightly lighter than its Apple rival.

(7) Ina Fried, Asus’s Chief Jonney Shih Dishes on How the New Nexus 7 Came to Be. All Thing's D[igital], July 29, 2013.
http://allthingsd.com/20130729/a ... nexus-7-came-to-be/


(a) "Another area where Google and Asus pressed hard was on the screen itself. The Nexus 7 [version 2.0] is the first [Android] tablet to make use of the same kind of thin, high-resolution screen used in the iPad and other phones. Japan Display [Inc], which makes the screen, just opened a new facility in June, and [Asus CEO Stan] Shih said Asus workers made lots of trips to Japan to make sure the supplier could really deliver to Google’s tight schedule.

“'At the beginning, we didn’t consider JDI because of the cost consideration,' Shih said, but in the end, its screen was necessary to get the thinness and battery performance that Google and Asus wanted.

(b) "Shih said products like Asus [competing Android] Memo HD is aimed at a different segment [of consumers, particularly in emerging markets], selling for just $149 and using different technologies.

(8) Microsoft to launch mini-tablet in bid to challenge iPad. Taipei Times, June 26, 2013.
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/ ... 13/06/26/2003565657
(from Central News Agency; Maxwell CHANG 張 乘維, an analysis with Taipei-based Topology Research Institute 拓璞產業研究所 briefed reporters at a media briefing on consumer electronics trends: in 4Q13 Microsoft will launch Surface mini to compete against iPad Mini, as well as the following research)

the last two paragraphs:

"Topology data show that worldwide tablet shipments are expected to total 161 million units this year, up 42 percent from 113 million last year.

"Tablet models sized between 7 inches and 8 inches will make up 54 percent of the total shipments this year, a massive increase from 32 percent last year, the institute said.
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