(2) News release: National Income and Product Accounts[:] Gross Domestic Product, second quarter 2013 (advance estimate); Comprehensive Revision: 1929 through 1st quarter 2013. Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce, July 31, 2013 (news release).
Quote from the Part II of news release:
(a) "For 1929–2012, [with the current revision, see next] the average annual growth rate of real GDP was 3.3 percent, 0.1 percentage point higher than in the previously published estimates. For the more recent period, 2002–2012, the growth rate was 1.8 percent, 0.2 percentage point higher than in the previously published estimates.
(b) "The improvements incorporated in the revised estimates have been previewed in a series of articles in the Survey and are available on BEA’s Web site at
(c) "Changes in definitions, classifications, and presentations. The changes in definitions, in classifications, and in presentations introduced in this comprehensive revision include the following:
* Expenditures by business, government, and nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISH) for research and development (R&D) are recognized as fixed investment. The new treatment improves BEA’s measures of fixed investment and allows users to better measure the effects of innovation and intangible assets on the economy.
* Similarly, expenditures by private enterprises for the creation of entertainment, literary, and artistic originals are recognized as fixed investment, further expanding BEA’s measures of intangible assets.
* In the NIPA fixed investment tables, a new category of investment, "intellectual property products," consists of research and development; entertainment, literary, and artistic originals; and software."