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Strategy Page

发表于 8-4-2013 13:14:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) From CATOBAR To STOVL Then STOBAR And Back Again. Aug 3, 2013.

(a)  list of aircraft carriers by country
(section 9 India): active INS Viraat, Centaur class carrier (ex-HMS Hermes) in service since 1987; under construction: INS Vikramaditya: Modified Kiev class carrier (ex-Admiral Gorshkov) is expected to enter in service in December 2013, plus indigenously designed and built INS Vikrant and INS Vishal; retired INS Vikrant, Majestic-class carrier (ex-HMS Hercules), in service from 1961 to 1997)  
(i) 1942 Design Light Fleet Carrier
(a light aircraft carrier design created by the Royal Navy; Built 1942-1961; In commission 1944-2001; Completed  8 Colossus [sub]class and 5 Majestic [sub]class; the last 3 of Majestic class was of CATOBAR, including HMS Hercules-turned INS Vikrant)
(ii) INS Vikrant (R11)
(The name Vikrant was taken from Sanskrit vikrānta meaning "stepping beyond", ie "courageous" or "bold")
(iii) Vikrant-class aircraft carrierh
(lead ship INS Vikrant "features a STOBAR (Short Take-Off But Arrested Recovery) configuration with a ski-jump;"  2nd ship INS Vishal "will be having a CATOBAR system")

(b) HMS Hermes (R12)
("Hermes was in service with the Royal Navy from 1959 until 1984, and she served as the flagship of the British forces during the 1982 Falklands War; sold to India in 1986 to become INS Viraat [Sanskrit for giant]; built as CATOBAR, refit in 1972 saw the removal of her arresting cables, steam catapults to become a commando carrier, and finally refitted again in 1980-1981 to add a ski-jump and facilities for operating Sea Harriers[, a strike fighter of vertical and/or short take-off and landing (V/STOL)--all while in British hand)
(i) HMS Hermes
(after Hermes, the messenger god of Greek mythology)
(ii)  pennant number
(The name pennant number arises from the fact that ships were originally allocated a flag identifying a flotilla or particular type of vessel; section 1.2 Post-1948: R — aircraft carriers)

(c) INS Vikramaditya
(Vikramāditya meaning "Brave as the Sun;" built with ski jump which remains but, after sold to India in 2004  (having been decommissioned by Russia in 1996 bexcause it was too expensive to operate, converted to STOBAR)[:] This will allow the operation of MiG-29K and Sea Harrier aircraft)

(a version of the MiG-29 fitted with a stronger undercarriage and a reinforced tail section with an arrestor hook, the MiG-29KVP (Korotkii Vzlet i Posadka, or "short take off and landing"); needs a ski jump)  
(d) Does India's experience suggest China's aircraft carrier Liaoning, with a ski jump, is out of date?

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 楼主| 发表于 8-4-2013 13:14:55 | 只看该作者
(2) Russia Submits to the Power of Mighty OBOG. Aug 1, 2013.

(a) On-Board Oxygen Generation Systems (OBOGS). Honeywell Aerospace Engineering, undated
("In an OBOGS application, an adsorbent is used to remove nitrogen from the air [from atmosphere], which in turn enriches the oxygen concentration in the outlet air stream. Materials such as zeolite are commonly used to remove nitrogen and concentrate oxygen")
(b) zeolite
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 楼主| 发表于 8-4-2013 13:15:30 | 只看该作者
(3) China Is Really, Maybe, Going To Do It This Time. July 31, 2013.
("US intelligence agencies believe that China will finally start combat patrols of its SSBNs (ballistic missile carrying nuclear powered boat, also called 'boomers') next year, something China has never done before despite decades of effort. This prediction comes despite Taiwanese intelligence officials revealing early this year that China’s Type 94 SSBNs had not yet been commissioned into service. But at the same time a Type 94 class sub was seen recently undergoing what appeared to be sea trials. Taiwanese officials also stated that the JL-2 SLBM (Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles) that the Type 94 is designed to carry is still undergoing testing")

(a) Rogge Chen and Sofia Wu, China Yet to Deploy 094 Sub, JL-2 & DF-41 Missiles: Security Head. Central News Agency, Apr 15, 2013.
(b) "Type 93 class SSN (nuclear powered attack sub), which looks a lot like the three decade old Russian Victor III class SSN design. The first Type 93 entered service in 2006."

Victor-class submarine
(section 1.3 Victor III: entered service in 1979; 25 were produced until 1991)
(c) "Taking a SSN design and adding extra compartments to hold the ballistic missiles is an old trick, pioneered by the United States in the 1950s to produce the first ever SSBNs."
(i) USS Nautilus (SSN-571)
(world's first operational nuclear-powered submarine; launched in 1954; as an attack submarine with torpedoes)
(ii) ballistic missile submarine
("The world's first ballistic missile submarine was a Soviet converted Zulu class submarine equipped with a single ballistic missile launch tube in its sail [with the first successful launch on surface in 1955]. The first SSBN class was a Skipjack class fast attack submarine with a 130 ft (40 m) missile compartment welded into the middle--thus turned into George Washington-class submarine whose lead ship USS George Washington while submerged successfully launched a two-staged, solid-fuel nuclear armed-capable Polaris in 1960")
(iii) Norman Polmar, The Polaris; A Revolutionary system and concept. Colloquium on Contemporary History Peoject (Seminar 9, 1994), Naval Historical Center, http://www.history.navy.mil/colloquia/cch9d.html


"The US Polaris submarine-launched ballistic missile was not the world's first sea-based strategic missile system. In September 1955, the Soviet Union launched an SS-1B Scud-A ballistic missile from a surfaced submarine. * * * The world's first operational, submarine-launched ballistic missile was the SS-N-4 (Soviet R-13), a surface-launched, 350-nautical-mile ballistic missile carrying a nuclear warhead [also while surfaced, see next quotation]. When it became operational in 1959, it was the world's first submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) system.

"The world's first SLBM submarines were the Soviet Zulu-class, diesel-electric-propelled vessels armed with two SS-N-4 missiles. These undersea craft, converted to the SLBM role in 1958-1959, were followed by the new-construction Hotel (nuclear) and Golf (diesel) classes, each of which carried three missiles. The first missiles, armed with a one-MT warhead, had a range of approximately 350 nautical miles. Significantly, the submarine had to surface to launch the SS-N-4 missiles. In contrast, the U.S. Polaris submarines each carried 16 missiles. Further, the U.S. missiles could be launched while the submarine remained fully submerged and were believed to be more accurate than the Soviet weapons.
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 楼主| 发表于 8-4-2013 13:16:41 | 只看该作者
(4) The Supercomputer Behind The Camera.
("While the military has long been a major user of supercomputers (the fastest computers on the planet), they were too expensive for widespread use until graphic card maker Nvidia developed and sold graphic cards modified to be cheap and powerful supercomputers. Seven years ago the Tesla supercomputer add-on for PCs appeared on the market. This was basically an Nvidia graphics board tweaked to act like a supercomputer, rather than a device that put 3-D, photo-realistic game graphics on your computer screen. The latest version of this system will give you over five teraflops of computing power for under $7,000 (on one Quadro 6000 card, basically a tweaked graphics card)")

Note: Nvidia Tesla Personal Supercomputer
(Nvidia's Tesla GPGPU brand; utilizes NVIDIA's CUDA parallel computing architecture)
(a) general-purpose computing on graphics processing units
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gen ... cs_processing_units
(or General-purpose graphics processing unit, GPGPU; is the utilization of a graphics processing unit (GPU), which typically handles computation only for computer graphics, to perform computation in applications traditionally handled by the central processing unit (CPU))
(b) CUDA, standing for Compute Unified Device Architecture, is a trademark of Nvidia.
(c) Parallel computing
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_computin(a form of computation in which many calculations are carried out simultaneously,[1] operating on the principle that large problems can often be divided into smaller ones, which are then solved concurrently ("in parallel"))
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 楼主| 发表于 8-4-2013 13:17:02 | 只看该作者
(5) James Dunnigan, France Shows Russia The True Way. July 21, 2013
http://www.strategypage.com/dls/ ... e-Way-7-21-2013.asp

paragraph 1: "Russia recently bought two French Mistral class amphibious ships. Russia has not bought foreign warships for a long time, but this purchase was largely because of an eagerness to acquire Western shipbuilding technology and construction skills. This has already paid off, although not exactly how the Russians had planned. This became evident when a Russian official recently announced that the first Mistral would be built entirely in France. It had earlier been decided to have Russian shipyards build some sections of the first Mistral. It was quickly discovered that the Russian shipyard was not capable of building to the French specifications or do it according to the French timetable. The Russians expected to learn some valuable lessons from the French and, while embarrassing, this was one very valuable lesson. Russian shipyard officials have had their faces rubbed in the embarrassment of not being able to compete with using their current practices. Russian experts on Western production methods and techniques have long complained of the antiquated and inefficient methods still favored by Russian shipbuilders. Navy leaders have been complaining for decades about the poor quality of work coming out of Russian shipyards. The Mistral purchase was to put this to the test.

My comment: When I read the article at the time, there was no authorship--the format of Strategy Page. Then I did a search of this report, authorship turned up, a first for me. Interesting.
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