Michael Gold, Stinky tofu: Taiwan's Tasty Snack Packs a Rotten Stench. Reuters, Aug 5, 2013.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USBRE97403X20130805
(stewed, braised, deep-fried, or grilled; "the soft white curds melt in the mouth like pudding")
(a) congealed duck blood 鴨血 (I do not know if PRC Chinese eat it, which is commonplace in Taiwan. See it in images.google.com)
(b) "Shenkeng Laojie (Old Street) on the eastern outskirts of the capital"
(i) Shenkeng 新北市深坑區 (formerly 台北縣深坑鄉)
(ii) Laojie 深坑老街
(section 1 歷史)
(A) 土角厝 or 土埆厝. 月津國小 (a primary school located at 台南市鹽水區月津路16號), undated.
土角 is a brick made of sod. Compare
sod house
in Prairie of North America.
厝 is 閩南語 for "house."
(B) 亭仔腳, 又稱為「騎樓」
(閩南語稱亭仔腳; section 1 起源: 18世紀下半葉,英國人來到印度南部的貝尼亞庫普爾(Beniapukur),這裡氣候十分炎熱,英國人極不適應。於是,他們在住宅前加了一個外廊以遮強光,造成較為涼爽的環境,很快被當地人效仿,叫它「Veranda」(游廊),英國人稱之廊房(Langfang)。這種以遮陽為主要功能的(外廊式建築),隨著英國殖民勢力範圍的不斷擴大,經由南亞、東南亞、東北亞而至中國。在鴉片戰爭後傳入香港、廣州,然後再北上到廈門及西入廣西,由此可見,騎樓建築是歐陸建築與東南亞地域特點相結合的一種建築形式)
Beniapukur is an area in Kolkata (formerly spelled as Calcutta). (I have no idea why zh,wikipedia.org says it is in 印度南部.)
(section 1 History of term)
Honestly I can not find "langfang" in any English dictionary.
tong lau 唐樓
("or Kee-lau (Mandarin Chinese: Qilou) is used to describe tenement buildings built in late 19th century to the 1960s in Hong Kong, Macau, southern China and Taiwan. Designed for both residential and commercial uses, they are similar in style and function to the shophouses of Southeast Asia")
(c) "Yong Feng Dage Restaurant in the night market of National Taiwan Normal University in central Taipei"
(i) 【師大夜市】永豐得記 (said to be 港式; in any event, “Dage” is Cantonese pronunciation for 得記)
("西元1993年以獨創港式脆皮臭豆腐席捲台灣 * * * 得記的臭豆腐跟其他豆腐最大的差別就是以紹興傳統醃製法配合台灣大眾口感,更是以蔬菜醃泡為主原料基礎、有別於平常所見的用蝦頭、魚肚醃泡而成的臭豆腐、因此、得記的臭豆腐吃起來讓人覺得清清爽爽、沒有油膩")
Founded at 大安區安居街, with numerous branches in Taiwan. But I can not find the nationality of the founder--Taiwanese or Hong Konger?
(ii) National Taiwan Normal University 國立臺灣師範大學 or 師大
(d) Jiaziyuan Restaurant in New Taipei City/ Co-owner CHEN Laihao
(i) 呷子園 (新北市淡水區, formerly 台北縣淡水鎮)
https://www.facebook.com/pages/% ... %92/168043836577543
呷 is 閩南語 for “eat.” The sore name is a word play on Japan’s 甲子園.
(ii) I can not fibd the name of the owner couple, who in Taiwan are known as 陳老板, 陳媽媽.
(e) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinky_tofu
(section 3 History: stinky tofu shashlik)
(i) shashlik (n; Russian; First Known Use 1876): “KEBAB”
(ii) shasklik