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Former Child Laborers of Taiwan Reminisce War-Time Japan

发表于 8-16-2013 11:41:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Hitoto Tae, Former Child Workers from Taiwan Preserve the Memory of Their Time in Japan; Japan and Taiwan: Something I would like to share. Nippon.com, Aug 16, 2013.
("As the war was nearing an end, with most young Japanese men serving in battle zones overseas, Japan was left without a domestic labor force to build and outfit new aircraft for the war effort. It therefore recruited boys from Taiwan, which was then under Japanese control, to serve as laborers. * * * In 1943 the first contingent of child laborers, comprising about 1,800 boys around the age of 14, left Taiwan via the port of Kaohsiung and sailed to Yokohama. Over the next year or so 8,400 boys from Taiwan arrived at the Kōza Naval Arsenal 高座海軍工廠")
(a) This English-language report is translated from

一青 妙, 台湾少年工の心に生き続ける日本; 日本と台湾―国交なき信頼関係. Nippon, July 22, 2013.

(b) Tae HITOTO  一青 妙 (一青 being the surname)
(1970- )

(c) "Ran [surname 藍] said a lot of people would be attending from Taiwan. Judging from the name [Taiwan Kōza Kai] I thought it must be some sort of rakugo event, so I replied by e-mail that I was not really interested in traditional Japanese storytelling."
(i) Taiwan Kōza Kai  台湾 高座 会
(ii) Kōza District, Kanagawa  神奈川県 高座 郡

is located south of Tokyo.
(iii) rakugo  落語
(The lone storyteller (落語家 rakugoka) sits on stage, called Kōza (高座))

(i) "Kōza is the name of an administrative district in Japan’s Kanagawa Prefecture. Although now much smaller, Kōza once covered an area that included the present-day cities of Sagamihara 相模原市 and Yamato 大和市, as well as Zama, where the reunion was to be held."

Zama, Kanagawa  神奈川県 座間市
(ii) "When the time came we rode the Odakyū Enoshima railway line to Minami-Rinkan Station."  小田急 江ノ島 線の 南 林間 駅 に着く
* 小田急江ノ島線 is 江ノ島線, owned and operated by 小田急電鉄 (株式会社) Odayū Electric Co, Ltd
* 南林間駅
(iii) "This spring the Japanese government honored Lee Hsueh-feng with a decoration known as the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette."
"李 [雪峰] 理事長には今年春の叙勲で日本政府から旭日小綬章が贈られている。"
(iv) "I wrote about his [my father's] life in a book called Watashi no shanzu (My Box)."

箱子 (pronoounced "shanzu") is a loan word from China, so it was written here in katakana.
(v) "n Japan Taiwan is known mainly for its strenuous form of therapeutic massage and its delicious steamed buns, known in Japanese as shōronbō."

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