(1) Jeremy Page, China's Leader Embraces Mao as He Tightens Grip on Country. Wall Street Journal, Aug 17, 2013 (front page)
("Mr Xi's recent record has delighted and emboldened many former Bo [Xilai] supporters * * * 'Chairman Mao is a rich source for us,' said Hu Angang, an economist and leading member of the 'New Left' intellectual movement that backed Mr Bo. 'I'm not surprised by what Xi is doing.' Zhang Hongliang, another New Left economist, said in a blog post last month that the New Left should support Mr Xi because his recent speeches showed he had fully absorbed their political agenda")
My comment: This theme appears in many American newspapers, but who knows where the truth lies. It is possible Xi just pays lip service. I am not interested.
(2) Jeremy Page, Wife to Appear as Witnessat Bo Xilai Trial; Prospect of Gu's testimony prompts ousted Chinese official to threaten divorce; Lawyers expect court date next month. Wall Street Journal, Aug 17, 2013.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 16803531203952.html
Note: The report is translated: