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’Crop Circles’ on Ocean Floor

发表于 8-20-2013 07:39:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Sindya N Bhando, Even Ocean Dwellers Decorate for Company. New York Times, Aug 20, 2013 (in Science Times section).
(entire text: "For years, scientists were baffled by large circular patterns on the ocean floor, with peaks decorated with shell and coral fragments. These 'crop circles' of the ocean floor are created by male puffer fish in order to attract females, researchers report in the journal Nature. The center of the circle serves as a nest where females who find the male and his nest pleasing lay their eggs")

(a) I have to type the text, because it is not available in NYTimes.com, or in the Web.
(b) The report mentions

crop circles
(The scientific consensus is that most or all crop circles are man-made)

(c) Kawase H et al, Role of Huge Geometric Circular Structures in the Reproduction of a Marine Pufferfish. Nature, _: _ (online publication July 1, 2013)
http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/ ... full/srep02106.html

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