VOA Chinese, Aug 28, 2013.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 130828/1738695.html
(a) "专门为苏-27战机生产空对空导弹的乌克兰阿尔杰姆公司的市场部工作人员托尔格威说,他们这次在展台上展出的所有空对空导弹,包括训练用的导弹中国都曾从他们公司采购过。他透露,虽然中国现已开始生产自己的空对空导弹并停止向乌克兰采购,但双方的合作在持续"
(i) "中国现已开始生产自己的空对空导弹并停止向乌克兰采购" suggests that China started making its own air-to-air missiles recently. But China has many domestic air-to-air missiles. See, eg,
air-to-air missile
(section 7.11 People's Republic of China)
(ii) Perhaps the quotation refers to the ADVANCED version of air-to-air missile. See
China Successfully Develops New-Generation Air-to-Air Missile. People Daily, May 19, 2013
* FAN Huitao 樊 会涛
* I can not find the Chinese name of "Key Model" missile.
(b) "来自俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡的诺瓦托尔公司代表伊万说,中国曾从他的公司购买了大量俱乐部级反舰导弹。这种可从中国基洛级潜艇上发射的导弹可攻击水面目标,对航空母舰构成威胁。 * * * 伊万补充说,在技术领域,他们不同中国合作,他们仅向中国出售成品导弹,他们不害怕中国仿制。"
3M-54 Klub
(a domestic surface ship and submarine-launched anti-ship missile developed by the Novator Design Bureau (OKB-8); Its US Department of Defense (DOD) designation is "SS-N-27A" with the NATO codename of "Sizzler;" in their final stage, make a supersonic 'sprint' to the target; The name of "Klub" is used for export versions, the 3M-54E and 3M54E1; section 3.2 Export version, section 3.2.1 Klub-S: submarine-launched; section 5 Operators: China: The People's Liberation Army Navy uses the 'Klub-S' variant for its Kilo class submarines)