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发表于 9-4-2013 15:39:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Charter welcomes eight Taiwan students; Local high school pupils headed overseas last year. The News Journal (Wilmington, Delaware), Sept 1, 2013.
http://www.delawareonline.com/ar ... ght-Taiwan-students

(a) About The Charter School of Wilmington
("In 1996, The Charter School of Wilmington opened its doors as one of the first public charter schools in the United States")

It is a co-ed high school with grades 9-12.
(b) Kaohsiung City Fu Cheng Senior High School  高雄市立福誠高級中學 (高雄市鳳山區)

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 楼主| 发表于 9-4-2013 15:40:24 | 只看该作者
(2) Lauren Glendenning. 72 Hours in Taiwan. Colorado Mountain News Media, Aug 31, 2013.

seven consecutive paragraphs:

"Perhaps the best surprise in Taiwan came next, though. After a relaxing train ride back to Taipei city, we exited the station and decided to take a side street back to our hotel. We passed a tiny restaurant that had its kitchen conveniently located street-side where three women sat rolling up fresh dumplings of some kind. We couldn’t tell what they were exactly, but we had to try them.

"We went inside and one of the women searched around through some papers and drawers before pulling out an English version of the menu, which featured variations of wonton soup, noodle bowls and a la carte wontons.

"We ordered what the guy at the next table was eating. He was leaned over his steaming bowl of soup and slurping up the noodles and broth with chopsticks and a spoon.

"When it arrived, we, too, instinctively hovered over the bowl. We could smell the freshness — we knew before we tasted it that these women knew how to cook.

"And then we tasted it and had one of those moments where we just looked at each other and knew that we were in the presence of greatness. The broth was complex and delicate, but the wontons were the real stars — soft and silky, filled with tender pork and cooked to perfection. The flavors were a beautiful balance between ginger, pork, scallions, fresh wonton dough and soy.

"We slurped the bowl clean and ordered another round, plus a wonton-only appetizer that impressed us even more than the soup. It came covered in a ginger sauce and just a tiny bit of soy-based sauce in the bottom of the bowl. The wontons broke apart with the slightest prod from the spoon, and as cliché as it may sound, they literally melted in our mouths.

"We walked around the city and thought about these wontons for the rest of the day.

My comment:
(a) The writer did not provide the address and the eatery.
(b) There is no need to read the rest.

(3) 美國在台協會首次舉辦青年領袖營 AIT to Hold First Youth Leadership Camp. American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Aug 30, 2013

My comment: Americans are good at PR (public relations).
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