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Econpmist, Aug 31, 2013 (continued)

发表于 9-6-2013 11:22:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Entrepreneurs in Japan | Time to get started; Shinzo Abe is giving new hope to Japan’s unappreciated entrepreneurs.
http://www.economist.com/news/bu ... rs-time-get-started


"Most of all, Mr Abe admits, Japan needs to become more accepting of initial failure. As a second-time prime minister after a disastrous first term, he is himself a comeback kid. He reportedly described for guests at his home this summer how the young Walt Disney ran his business into the ground five times before he at last succeeded. Digital types were delighted when he attended a meeting of the Japan Association of New Economy 新経済連盟 [一般社団法人, founded 2010], chaired by Hiroshi MIKITANI 三木谷 浩史, the founder of Rakuten [Inc] 楽天 株式会社, an online-commerce giant. Mr Mikitani has been brought in to advise the government on its deregulation efforts.

"The success of the big firms born in Japan’s great period of post-war entrepreneurialism later discouraged graduates from joining newer ventures. Experienced managers are seldom keen to leave large companies. Wives, mothers and mothers-in-law exert a strong influence on men not to join risky start-ups, says Yoshiaki Ishii, head of new-business policy at the industry ministry. But the perceived balance of risk is shifting. Many of the giants are struggling.

My comment:
(a) The take-home message is Japanese lacks entrepreneurship. Pay no attention to prognostics.
(b) "Takafumi HORIE, the former boss of Livedoor"  堀江 貴文/ ライブドア(katakana is pronounced "raibu doa")

A side bar to this article says Mr Horie served 21 months in prison--"including solitary confinement, freezing temperatures and forced labour"--for "inflating the earnings and shares of Livedoor."
(c) Yoshiaki ISHII
経済産業省(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; 旧:通商産業省) 経済産業政策局・産業組織課課長補佐石井芳明
(d) "Daisuke IWASE, a founder of Lifenet, an online insurance firm"
岩瀬 大輔/ ライフネット 生命保険 (the katakana is pronounced "raifu netto")  
(e) GREE's "billionaire founder, Yoshikazu TANAKA"
Gree Inc  グリー株式会社 (katakana is pronounced "gurii" where "ii" signals  long vowel of "i;" Japanese Wiki: Gree comes from "Six DeGREEs of Separation")
田中 良和

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