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Israel's Natural Gas Boon--and Bounty

发表于 9-12-2013 10:08:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Sarah Topol, Israel's Well; The nation has its first major energy source--and an American company to thank for it. Fortune, Sept 16, 2013.
http://money.cnn.com/2013/08/29/ ... .fortune/index.html

(i) The Polish and eastern German surname Topol is "from topola ‘poplar.’"
Dictionary of American Family Names, by Oxford University Press.
(ii) topola. Wiktionary, undated

is a noun feminine in both Polish and Serbo-Croatian languages, meaning "poplar."
(iii) RT-2UTTKh Topol-M
(an ICBM; In Service 1997-  ; "Topol" in Russian means "white poplar")
(iv) Chaim Topol
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaim_Topol(1935- ; an Israeli actor)

(b) The report mentions two gas (not oil) fields off Israel shore: first was Tamar, followed by Leviathan (both developed by Houston, Texas-based Noble).
(i) tamar

--a female given name, and "the original form of Tamara and Tammy"--is Hebrew for "date palm."
(ii) The print but not online version of the report has a map, identifying the two gas fields.
(A) Eastern Mediterranean. Noble Energy Inc, undated.
http://www.nobleenergyinc.com/Op ... iterranean-128.html
(B) Leigh Elston, The Path to East Med LNG. Natural Gas Daily (owned by Russia's Interfax), Dec 7, 2012
http://interfaxenergy.com/natura ... th-to-east-med-lng/

The Fortune map is more like that of (b)(ii)(B).

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