Rather than scare you off, I treat these reports as object of research.
(1) 台湾于台日间海上进行导弹实弹演习. BBC Chinese, Sept 26, 2013.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... aiwan_missile.shtml
My comment:
(a) This is the first time I learn that Taiwan has Standard Missile-2 (SM-2).
(b) "台媒引述他 [国民党立委林郁方] 说,因标准二型导弹的射程长,美国过去并不同台湾试射,他每次到美国都会借机向美方高层说项。"
I believe "意" is missing, after "同."
(c) Quotation 1 is ambiguous. I thought it said the SM-2 came with the purchase of Kidd-class destroyers from US. Instead, it means the Missile test is conducted from a Kidd-class destroyer, after I double check with other Taiwanese news reports.
(d) RIM-67 Standard
(an extended range surface-to-air missile (SAM) and anti ship missile originally developed for the United States Navy; section 4 Surface to air variants)
In American media on US own tests, usually Pentagon identifies which model (or "Block") SM-2 is. However Taiwan does not identify it this time, conceivably due to sensitivity to China's feelings. HOWEVER, Raytheon's news release implies the SM-2 in this test must be one of the two models. See
Raytheon Awarded $422 Million Contract for Standard Missile-2 Production. Raytheon, Nov 3, 2008.
http://investor.raytheon.com/pho ... icle&id=1221050
(e) Standard Missile-2. Raytheon, undated.
("world’s premier fleet-area air defense weapon * * * also has a secondary anti-surface ship mission * * * The most advanced variant, the SM-2 Block IV * * * The SM-2 family continues to grow internationally: Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain and Taiwan have deployed surface combatants; Australia’s Air Warfare Destroyer will employ SM-2")
(f) 与那国島 (kanji) Yonaguni-jima (Wiki: "lies 108 kilometers (67 mi) from the east coast of Taiwan")
I do not knwo why BBC identifies as an element of the second island chain--as opposed to the first.
(g) 中国拟在7年内夺第2岛链制海权 变东海为内海. 钱江晚报, June 25, 2013.