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标准二 + P-3C Orion + 萬劍彈 + 俄罗斯

发表于 9-26-2013 08:07:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Rather than scare you off, I treat these reports as object of research.

(1) 台湾于台日间海上进行导弹实弹演习. BBC Chinese, Sept 26, 2013.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... aiwan_missile.shtml




My comment:
(a) This is the first time I learn that Taiwan has Standard Missile-2 (SM-2).
(b) "台媒引述他 [国民党立委林郁方] 说,因标准二型导弹的射程长,美国过去并不同台湾试射,他每次到美国都会借机向美方高层说项。"

I believe "意" is missing, after "同."
(c) Quotation 1 is ambiguous. I thought it said the SM-2 came with the purchase of Kidd-class destroyers from US. Instead, it means the Missile test is conducted from a Kidd-class destroyer, after I double check with other Taiwanese news reports.
(d) RIM-67 Standard
(an extended range surface-to-air missile (SAM) and anti ship missile originally developed for the United States Navy; section 4 Surface to air variants)

In American media on US own tests, usually Pentagon identifies which model (or "Block") SM-2 is. However Taiwan does not identify it this time, conceivably due to sensitivity to China's feelings. HOWEVER, Raytheon's news release implies the SM-2 in this test must be one of the two models. See
Raytheon Awarded $422 Million Contract for Standard Missile-2 Production. Raytheon, Nov 3, 2008.
http://investor.raytheon.com/pho ... icle&id=1221050
(e) Standard Missile-2. Raytheon, undated.
("world’s premier fleet-area air defense weapon * * * also has a secondary anti-surface ship mission * * * The most advanced variant, the SM-2 Block IV * * * The SM-2 family continues to grow internationally: Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain and Taiwan have deployed surface combatants; Australia’s Air Warfare Destroyer will employ SM-2")
(f) 与那国島 (kanji) Yonaguni-jima (Wiki: "lies 108 kilometers (67 mi) from the east coast of Taiwan")

I do not knwo why BBC identifies as an element of the second island chain--as opposed to the first.
(g) 中国拟在7年内夺第2岛链制海权 变东海为内海. 钱江晚报, June 25, 2013.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-26-2013 08:08:19 | 只看该作者
(2) 台湾购美国12架反潜机 首架抵台交接. BBC Chinese, Sept 25, 2013.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... wan_p3c_plane.shtml
(二手P-3C猎户座式反潜机  P-3C Orion)
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 楼主| 发表于 9-26-2013 08:08:42 | 只看该作者
(3) 許紹軒, 萬劍通過測評 可直搗中國軍事機場. Liberty Times, Sept 8, 2013.

(a) In Taiwan (I can not speak for China), 子母彈 and 集束炸彈 tend to be interchangeable, meaning "cluster munition/bomb."
(b) "林郁方表示,萬劍彈耗資近卅億元研發完成,外觀與美國的AGM-154「聯合遙攻武器系統」(JSOW)類似"

AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon
(a standardized medium range precision guided weapon, especially for engagement of defended targets from outside the range of standard anti-aircraft defenses)

, which is NOT cluster munitions.
(i) standoff (missile)
(A) stand off (vi): "to stay at a distance from something"
(B) standoff
"(n): the act of standing off
(adj): used for holding something at a distance from a surface <a standoff insulator>"

(c) "除了攻擊機場,美軍的HARM反輻射飛彈 [AGM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM)] 可攻擊雷達等輻射源也是國軍申購多年的裝備,由於美軍遲遲不願供售,中科院也在劍二飛彈的基礎上研發劍二A反輻射飛彈,以達到從源頭打擊敵軍的目標。"

劍二飛彈 is short for
天劍二型飛彈  Sky Sword II or Tien Chien II
http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E ... B%E9%A3%9B%E5%BD%88
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 楼主| 发表于 9-26-2013 08:09:06 | 只看该作者
(4) 俄经略北极防备中国 中俄怎样互动引关注. BBC Chinese, Sept 26, 2013
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... efense/1757621.html

(5) Mismanagement Sets Russian Subs Afire. Strategy Page, Sept 24, 2013
("In a Pacific coast shipyard [at Vladivostok] a Russian Oscar class nuclear submarine recently caught fire while undergoing refurbishment. Navy officials said the September 16th blaze was put out the same day and that the reactors had been shut down and weapons removed before the shipyard work began. There was no radiation leak or damage to the sub’s reactor. The fire was started when a power saw ignited some rubber insulation and spread to other flammable material. The fire took five hours to put out and killed 14 people, * * * This is the fourth submarine fire since 2006")
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