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Washington Post

发表于 9-20-2013 10:32:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Gerry Yemen and Paul Simko, China Electric Motor’s Reverse Takeover Leads to Major Losses, Numerous Lawsuits in US. Washington Post, Sept 20, 2013.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/bu ... 0c72fec8_story.html

(a) Shenzhen YPC Craft Products Co, Ltd 深圳岳鹏成电机有限公司
is a subsidiary 子公司 of China Electric Motor, Inc 中国电机制造.
(b) There is no need to rea the report.

(2) Editorial: A Wave of Repression in China. Washington Post, Sept 18, 2013.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/op ... 0c72fec8_story.html

(3) Simon Denyer, China’s Transformation Frays Traditional Family Ties, Hurting Many Seniors. Washington Post, Sept 18, 2013.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wo ... 3aaf19ab_story.html


"While in neighboring India land is typically owned by the male head of the household, giving the patriarch influence over his extended family, in China the elderly and their children often have distinct plots of land.

"the government’s own rules are still regressive; strict residence registration requirements force migrant workers to leave their parents behind in the villages, because the elderly can access state medical benefits only if they stay at home.

(a) "Their five daughters have all moved away from the village of Luzhai in eastern China and are working with their husbands in China’s booming cities."

Luzhai can be
(i) 浙江省金华市东阳市画水镇 陆宅村
(ii) 浙江省丽水市缙云县壶镇镇 卢宅村
(iii) 河南省新乡市原阳县 路寨乡
(iv) 广西壮族自治区柳州市 鹿寨县
(b) ZHAO Yaohui of Peking University
赵 耀辉 (female)
(c) "The neighboring villages of Luzhai and Gonggou, in China’s Anhui province, bear testament to these profound social changes. One-fifth of the people in villages are older than 60."
(i) 安徽省宿州市泗县黄圩镇 巩沟村
(ii) It is clear from this quotation that Luzhai in (a) refers to 浙江省丽水市缙云县壶镇镇 卢宅村.

(d) "tiny, tumbledown red-brick houses"

tumbledown (adj): "DILAPIDATED, RAMSHACKLE <a tumbledown house at the edge of town — Sherwood Anderson>"
(e) "a typically shambolic one-room house"

shambolic (adj; probably from shambles; First Known Use 1970):
"chiefly British:  obviously disorganized or confused"


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