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Light Bulbs: LED, Incadescent and Compact Fluorescent

发表于 11-2-2013 17:07:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Diane Cardwell, This Little LED of Mine; As prices come down a new illuminating technology catches on. New York Times, Nov 2, 2013.
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/0 ... le-led-of-mine.html


"regulators and manufacturers [of light bulbs], frustrated by consumer rejection of compact fluorescent [light bulbs], hoe that [consumers will make the switch to LED light bulbs], es[ecially the millions who have stuck with their energy-guzzling traditional incadescent bulbs, even hoarding them as stricterefficiency standards phase out most of them.

"For several years, manufacturers have been making LED lights that increasingly mimic incadescents, where steadily bringing down their prices * * * often for $10 or less. * * * Until recently customers * * * could pay about $30 a [LED] bulb.

"Nationwide, incadescent bulbs, including newer, moe efficienthalogen models, accounted for roughly 75 percent of general lighting sales this year, according to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, a trade group, with compact fluorescents making up most of the balance.

"The drop in price has helped increase demand for them [LED bulbs] * * * although they still represent only about 1 percent of teh bulbs in American homes, according to industry estimates.

Karla Brizzi, who lives in a suburb of Des Moines "uses Philips Halogena bulbs, a type of incadescent that meets the new national [energy-efficient] standards but is much less efficient than compact fluorescents or LEDs.

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest.
(b) The English, Scottish, and northern Irish surnames Cardwell/Caldwell are names of place: "Old English cald ‘cold’ + well(a) ‘spring’, ‘stream.’"

(c) the report mentions LED bulbs: Walmart's own brands (manufacturer unknown), General Electric, Osram Sylvania,  Philips and newcomers like Cree, "which began marketing LED bulbs this year."
(i) Cree, Inc
(headquartered in Durham, North Carolina; formed in 1987 by researchers from North Carolina State University)

* Cree
(section 3 Name)
(ii) Osram Sylvania
("Osram Sylvania Inc is the North American operation of lighting manufacturer Osram. It was established in 1993, with the acquisition of GTE’s Sylvania lighting division by Osram GmbH")
(A) GTE (formerly General Telephone & Electronics Corporation; 1918-2000; GTE-Bell Atlantic merger in 2000] created Verizon)
(B) A Century of Illumination. Osram Sylvania, undated.
("The name OSRAM derives from the names of two elements: Osmium, a metal; and Wolfram, the German word for tungsten")
(C) Sylvania
(Sylvania literally means "forest land" in Latin)

(d) Speaking of LED in general (as opposed to LED lighting, whose market share or statistics I can not find):
(i) "Taiwan’s LED wafer capacity leads with a market share of 22%, ranking number 2 globally."
LED Taiwan 2014
(a trade show to be held Mar 20-22, 2014)
(ii) The Power of [Taiwan]; Taiwan Semiconductor/LED/PV Market. SEMI Taiwan, September 2013
(global ranking of LED market share: Japan (25%) > Taiwan (21%) > Korea (19%)> US= China (15% each)> Europe (11%))

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