VOA Chinese, Nov 5, 2013
("乌克兰国家安全局不久前起诉著名科学家丘马科夫为中国从事间谍活动并犯有叛国罪。首都基辅市的一家法院在9月5日第一次针对这起间谍案展开审理。乌克兰反间谍部门指控丘马科夫向中国转交了乌克兰机密武器电磁轨道炮方面的设计图纸和有关技术资料。如果罪名成立,丘马科夫会被判处15年徒刑。今年60岁的丘马科夫是乌克兰纳西莫夫海军学院的教授兼信息教研室主任。 * * * 丘马科夫完全否认安全部门对他的指控")
(a) Compare
Halya Coynash, A Cloak and Dagger Farce in Ukraine; Absurd espionage charges against an academic and two young men would be funny if the stakes weren't so high. TOL, Sept 19, 2013
http://www.tol.org/client/articl ... humakov-spying.html
(the accused: Volodymyr CHUMAKOV)
Click "ABOUT TOL" at the top right (at the end of a horizontal bar) and one will learn TOL is acronym for Transitions OnLine (internet) magazine, established in 1999 and based in Prague, Czech Republic.
(b) The accused activities are not a crime in US but is, I believe, in China.