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Tannery 製牛皮廠

发表于 11-8-2013 12:54:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Nadya Masidlover, Where Luxury Goes for Leather; As Hermès and others jockey for prime materials, a 171-year-old French tannery is in high demand. Wall Street Journal, Nov 07, 2013.
http://online.wsj.com/news/artic ... 4579181731679456174


"Calves are slaughtered primarily as a source of veal and skins are a byproduct.

“In a building on the edge of a quaint Alsatian village, Mr [Jean-Christophe] Muller Haas[, owner of Tanneries Haas,] receives leather hides already salted for conservation purposes from farms * * *Inside the tannery, the calf skins are soaked in chemicals to remove grease and hair. * * * The hides are treated with a chromium-based chemical that turns them a light shade of blue, regardless of their final color. * * * They [hides] are dyed to the client's requested shade, then put through machines that give them a shiny or textured aspect. At each stage, employees check every inch for flaws or damage.

(a) Haas Tannery
(founded in 1842; Located south of Strasbourg)
(i) Its French-language website has a URL:
(ii) The German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) surname Müller is “Middle High German müller” meaning miller.
(iii) The Dutch, German, and Jewish (Ashkenazic) surname Haas is “from Middle Dutch, Middle High German hase, German Hase ‘hare.’”

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