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发表于 11-14-2013 13:39:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 11-14-2013 15:51 编辑

BBC Chinese, Nov 13, 2013.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... estudent_bytq.shtml

(a) Official pronouncement:

内閣総理大臣感謝状授与式. 首相官邸, 平成25年11月13日.
(i)  The official translation (in simplified Chinese characters):
http://www.kantei.go.jp/cn/96_ab ... 1/1202286_7844.html
(ii) kantei 官邸
(Again, "ei" signifies a long vowel for "e" instead of a digraph (as in "day"). Japanese pronounce each vowel distinctly; in other words, there is no digraph in Japanese.)
(iii)  I am unaware why Kantei uses 國 instead of 国. News reports in Japan uses the latter. 国吉 正男 くによし まさお  KUNIYOSHI Masao.

(b) From here down, it is all kanji.
(i) 厳俊
* Japanese pronunciation イエン・チュイン (transliteration: "ien・chyun")
* He lived in Shanghai, where his parents still live)
(ii) 台風18号
(iii)9月16日 (this year)
(iv) river: 淀川

Yodo River flows from southern tip of Lake Biwa 琵琶湖 (the largest freshwater lake in Japan) at City of Ōtsu, Shiga Prefecture 滋賀県 大津市, southerly through Kyoto Prefecture 京都府 (of which City of Kyoto 京都市 is a part), and empties into Osaka Bay 大阪湾 at City of Osaka (part of Osaka Prefecture 大阪府). For a total 75 km.

The same river is called differently: Seta River (瀬田川 Seta-gawa) while in Shiga Prefecture; Uji River (宇治川 Uji-gawa) while in Osaka; and Yodo River (淀川 Yodo-gawa) while in Osaka.

yodo 澱; 淀 【よど】 (n): "pool (in river)"
yodomu 澱む(P[rincipal]); 淀む 【よどむ】 (v): "to stagnate; to be stagnant; to settle; to deposit; to be sedimented; to be precipitated  <僕らの周囲で水はよどんでいた。The water was dead around us>"

淀川. 日本の川, undated

translation: The origin of the name of the river came from water flowing slowly, thus 淀.
(v) saved: 小学4年の男児(9)
(vi) He lost a cellphone 携帯電話 in the endeavor.
(vii) The other honoree, Mr 國吉正男, saved another in a separate effort (rescuing a person from a fire in Tokyo in May 2012).

(c) For 紅綬褒章, see 褒章
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7 ... C.E8.A4.92.E7.AB.A0

Top of six “Medals of Honour”  褒章 (each with a companion 褒状 to explain what heroic act was done), 紅綬褒章 Medal with Red Ribbon is for one who selfishly rescues another 「自己の危難を顧みず人命の救助に尽力したる者」に授与される.
(i) jyu 綬 【じゅ】 (n): “ribbon; cordon”
(ii) kōjyu 紅綬
(iii) hōshō 褒章【ほうしょう】(n): “medal of honour”
(iv) hōjō 褒状 【ほうじょう】 (n): “certificate of merit; honorable mention”

(d) “红绶褒章状上写着“日本国天皇向中华人民共和国人严俊不顾自己危难救助别人生命的尽力行为赠与红绶褒章,落款是安倍晋三和内阁府勋黑羽亮辅,正中是天皇玉玺’大日本国玺.’”
(i) What do medals and certificates look like?

(ii) Ryōsuke KUROBA 黒羽 亮輔 くろば・りょうすけ:  内閣府賞勲局長

(e) The photo that accompanies the BBC report shows Mr 厳俊 accepted 感謝状 on Sept 18, 2013 from police chiefs (of the city and a precinct of Osaka).

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