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Intel's Financials

发表于 12-1-2013 12:04:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Kofi Bofah, Intel Has No Real Answer For Taiwan Semiconductor. Seeking Alpha, Dec 1, 2013 (blog).
http://seekingalpha.com/article/ ... aiwan-semiconductor


“Other Intel Architecture was designated as an umbrella classification largely above mobile chip sales. * * *  the Other Intel Architecture division racked up $1.8 billion in operating losses upon a mere $3.0 billion in revenue between Q1 2013 and Q3 2013. Meanwhile, Taiwan Semiconductor posted a respective $7.3 billion in gross profits upon $15.2 billion in net revenue through the same time frame.

“In 1999, near the peak of the personal computer revolution, Intel spent a mere $3.1 billion on research and development, out of $29.4 billion in net revenue. * * * By 2012, Intel was directing roughly 20% of net revenue towards research and development. In terms of cash flow, Intel has already used up $7.8 billion in cash for additions to property, plant, and equipment, through the first nine months of this year (Intel generated $14.7 billion in Q1 2013 to Q3 2013 operational cash flow). To date, Intel has literally attempted to buy its way into the mobile market, through aggressive capital spending.

(a) Mr Bofaf, according to the resume when the cursor moves to his company logo, is “a 2002 graduate of the University of North Carolina [and] * * * founded Onyx Investments” at Chicago in 2004.
(b) onyx
(c) The Web site requires registration to view Web page 2, which is insubstantial.

----------------------Web page 2
In 1999, near the peak of the personal computer revolution, Intel spent a mere $3.1 billion on research and development, out of $29.4 billion in net revenue. During prior years, Intel was to allocate less than 10 percent of total net sales to research and development. By 2012, Intel was directing roughly 20% of net revenue towards research and development. In terms of cash flow, Intel has already used up $7.8 billion in cash for additions to property, plant, and equipment, through the first nine months of this year (Intel generated $14.7 billion in Q1 2013 to Q3 2013 operational cash flow). To date, Intel has literally attempted to buy its way into the mobile market, through aggressive capital spending. All recent reports out of research firms Gardner and IDC have confirmed a secular shift out of personal computers and into mobile devices. IDC has projected annual mobile unit shipment growth rates above 70% through year 2017.

Apple is The Big Fish

In addition to Moore's Law, prospective Intel investors must also acknowledge the Law of Large numbers. In terms of market capitalization, Intel is a $118.9 billion operation. Again, the company sinks billions of dollars into capital spending, each year. Expensive foundries must therefore be running at full capacity, in order for Intel to profitably leverage its fixed costs and generate real shareholder returns. Leading mobile chipmaker and rival Qualcomm (QCOM) is not likely to hand its business over to Intel. To no avail, Intel has nearly wasted two years of time in an attempt to outflank the ARM-based (ARMH) Qualcomm Snapdragon as the go-to engine that drove premium Android, and even Windows, handsets and tablets. For all intensive purposes, Intel must win Apple chip manufacturing contracts, in order to economically justify Santa Clara's foray into the foundry business. In 2013, ARM-based A-Series chips helped move more than 150 million and 70 million Apple iPhone and iPad shipments, respectively.

To date, the highly secretive Apple has contracted out the bulk of its chip manufacturing orders to rival Samsung (GM:SSNLF). The working relationship between these two unlikely bedfellows, of course, has been frayed by a seemingly endless parade of patent infringement lawsuits and billion-dollar judgments. The dysfunctional Apple-Samsung relationship has all the markings of codependency, as Apple has relied upon Samsung's manufacturing prowess to solidify its own iPhone and iPad supply chains. According to Mark Newman, Sanford Bernstein analyst, Samsung has filled roughly $10 billion worth of Apple component orders, over the course of the past year. Samsung, of course, will reinvest this money back into the company to roll out its own smartphones and tablets that compete directly against Apple.

Enter Taiwan Semiconductor. For years, the rumor mill has been abuzz with speculation that Apple was making moves to dump Samsung as a manufacturer, in favor of striking deals with either Taiwan Semiconductor, or Intel. On July 1, 2013, The Wall Street Journal confirmed rumors that Taiwan Semiconductor had inked a deal to share the load with Samsung, and produce 20nm Apple A8 chips, beginning in 2014. Ironically, Intel and its spearhead 14nm manufacturing capabilities, will be the odd man out as a foundry throughout the course of the next eighteen months. A recent deal to manufacture ARM-based chips for Altera will barely budge the bottom line needle at Intel.

The Bottom Line

Intel bulls, notorious for doggedly harping upon technical specifications, should also acknowledge that a long-term alliance with Taiwan Semiconductor grants ever more authority for control freak Apple to throw its weight around. Apple closed out its latest 2013 fiscal year ended September 28, 2013, with $146.8 billion in cash and securities on the books. Going forward, Cupertino could be laying the groundwork for a direct investment into the $90 billion Taiwan Semiconductor, in order to build out a wing of this company specifically designated to crank out Apple parts. Taiwan Semiconductor Founder and CEO Morris Chang, 82, may be open to closing out a megadeal for his company, before riding off into the sunset.

On November 27, 2013, Intel stock closed out the trading session at $23.90 per share. Again, this performance calculated out to $118.9 billion worth of market capitalization. Intel may close out this 2013 fiscal year with $10 billion in net income, at best. At this rate, Intel would trade for an estimated 12 times current earnings. This valuation is somewhat of an expensive price to pay for a deteriorating business model. Intel brass has already foreshadowed flat revenue figures through 2014. James Covello, Senior Analyst, Goldman Sachs, recently went on to dismiss even these flat revenue projections as 'aggressive.' Covello has also described his feelings towards Intel as an investment as the 'exact opposite' of bullish. Earlier this month, on November 22, 2013, investment bank Goldman Sachs reiterated its sell rating and $16 price target for Intel shares.

Financial engineers may argue that Intel can simply slash capital spending and direct these savings to buy back additional shares of outstanding stock, in order to immediately improve earnings per share. Intel managers, of course, have proven unwilling to kowtow to the financiers. Short-term financial engineering may effectively gut long-term prospects at Intel. At this junction in time, Intel must take a gamble on mobile, in order to avoid even further fallout from what appears to be the inevitable decline of the personal computer industry. As such, prospective investors should recognize that the fortunes of Intel are caught between a rock and a hard place, and walk away. Intel stock ownership is a losing proposition.

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