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TW as S CN Sea Claimer+PRC Commemorates Spies to TW+TWese Take Responsibility

发表于 12-18-2013 10:59:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) William Lowther, US Tries to Avoid Taiwan in S China Sea Dispute. Taipei Times, Dec 18, 2013
("After saying there were five claimants in the South China Sea, including China, the [US Department of State] official was asked if there were not in fact six claimants, including Taiwan")

(2) Austin Ramzy, China Unveils Memorial to Spies in Taiwan. New York Times, Dec 18, 2013 (blog).

two consecutive paragraphs:

"In front of a wall carved with relief sculptures stand four statues of prominent agents. These are Wu Shi, a Nationalist general who became Taiwan’s deputy defense minister; his two deputies, Chen Baocang and Nie Xi; and Zhu Feng, a woman who had been sent to collect intelligence from General Wu, whose allegiance had shifted to the Communists. Ms. Zhu’s remains were found by a researcher in Taiwan and sent back to the Chinese mainland in 2011.

"The four were exposed when Cai Xiaoqian, a leader of the underground Communist Party in Taiwan, was captured and revealed the names of hundreds of agents. The group was accused of passing on extensive details about plans to defend Taiwan against an invasion from mainland China. All four were executed on June 10, 1950.

(a) The report cites

北京建成纪念广场 铭记牺牲于台湾的无名英雄. 中国新闻网, Dec 17, 2013
(b) 蔡孝乾

(3) Ralph Jennings, Tipping Point For Taiwan's Environmental Movement. Forbes, Dec 17, 2013 (blog)
www.forbes.com/sites/ralphjennin ... ronmental-movement/
(The documentary "Beyond Beauty-Taiwan From Above” tells audience that "'it’s your fault. You’re all guilty of creating or ignoring the degradation, the movie says. And quit blaming the government for everything.' * * * They’re [Taiwanese are] not used to taking responsibility")

Note: Advanced Semiconductor Engineering chairman, Jason Chang
日月光半導體製造股份有限公司/ 董事長 張虔生
(1944- ; 生於中國上海,在台灣高雄市長大,祖籍浙江溫州,已歸化新加坡籍; 為日月光半導體公司創辦人)

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