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发表于 1-8-2014 11:20:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-8-2014 11:24 编辑

Joyce Huang, Taiwanese Edamame Farmers Revive an Export Crop. Forbes Asia, Jan 20, 2014.
www.forbes.com/sites/forbesasia/ ... ive-an-export-crop/

(a) I started learning Japanese in US when I was a graduate student (rather than in Taiwan, where I was intimidated by classmates who seemed to know a lot of Japanese, which looking back might have been superficial). I learned in a lesson (later in Harvard)  a Japanese factional charater having edamame 枝豆 as a snack. 枝豆 was not used in Taiwan, and for the life of me I could not figure out what it was. Explaining it was baby soybean pod, the Japanese teacher was amazed I did not know what it was.
(i) Harvard!? Well, for two semesters I went to its night school (official name: Harvard Extension School, one of the constituent schools of Harvard, side by side with Harvard Law School and Harvard Medical School) where ANYBODY can go, get graded or a certificate, and even got a degree after accumulating the same credit hours as day school (Harvard College). Naturally the courses in night school is more populist-oriented and less rigorous. And I often joke that along with President Ma Ying-jeou and former Vice President Annette Lu (who was conferred LLM (Latin: Master of Laws; LLB is Bachelor of Laws) from Harvard in 1978 and another LLM from University of Illinois in 1971), I am also a Harvard alumnus, entitled to join Harvard Club of ROC 中華民國哈佛大學校友會.
(ii) edamame
(section 1 Name)

In Taiwan, it is 毛豆, which, unlike a dish in its own right in Japan, is just a vegetable cooked with many other ingredients to make a dish.

(b) "HOU Chau-Pai * * * His annual production reaches 6,000 metric tons, snatching $3.4 million in yearly revenue. * * * It is a legacy he carries on from his father, an agricultural middleman until his death in a plane crash en route to Nagoya in 1994.
(i) 侯 兆百
(ii) China Airlines Flight 140
(pilot error)

(c) "$72 million in edamame exports today [for entire Taiwan] * * * Over five years Taiwan has regained its No. 1 spot and secured an above-40% share in Japan’s imported edamame market, higher than the 25%-level share maintained by China and Thailand. In 2012 Taiwan exported 34,500 metric tons of edamame–the highest in 19 years[-]mostly to Japan * * * LIU Kuei-ping[is] chairman of Qishan’s Young Sun Frozen Food[, t]he island’s largest frozen edamame exporter * * * Liu can remember days when Taiwan edamame, from 5,000 producers, had 90% of the Japan market. Yet rising labor costs and tighter land supply triggered the labor-intensive industry’s exodus to neighboring China in the ’90s. * * * With Taiwanese investment and mainland labor rates, China’s 'hairy bean' exports to Japan overtook island producers like the Hous for almost a decade between 1996 and 2006"
(i) 永昇冷凍食品公司董事長 劉 貴坪
(ii) Qishan 高雄市 旗山區 (formerly 高雄縣旗山鎮; presently spelled "Cishan District" offically, according to a transliteration system promulgated when Chen Shui-bian was president)
(ii) 朱立群, 台灣毛豆打天下. Taiwan Panorama 台灣光華雜誌, March 2012
www.taiwan-panorama.com/show_iss ... =3&distype=text
("1989年,[台灣] 政府開放台商到大陸投資。看準大陸的低廉工資,三十多家冷凍食品廠之中,至少有十家,選擇帶著台灣的毛豆種子到大陸栽種,並外銷日本")

One may click the top horizontal bar to switch languages.

(i) "Chou Kuo-Lung, head of the agronomy lab at the Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research & Extension Station * * * Mr Edamame"
(行政院農業委員會 Council of Agriculture, equivalent to US Department of Agriculture) 高雄區農業改良場
周國隆/ 毛豆先生
(ii) "Hisashi Kawahara of the research staff at Tokyo’s Agriculture & Livestock Industries Corp [ALIC], a government-funded organization whose mission is to ensure stable consumption, price and production of agriculture and livestock"

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