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Chief Compliance Officer for Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission

发表于 1-18-2014 19:03:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Rachel Louise Ensign, From 'Little Nicky' to Turnpike Tolls. Wall Street Journal, Jan 16, 2014.

(a) chief compliance officer

(b) "As a special agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Dave Gentile spent time with mob informants like hit man Nicholas 'the Crow' Caramandi. * * *Mr. Gentile says changing the way business is done at a scandal-plagued state agency can be as tough as earning the trust of Mr Caramandi, a key lieutenant of Philadelphia mob boss Nicodemo 'Little Nicky' Scarfo, who in the 1980s became an FBI informant and testified against Mr Scarfo."
(i) Nicodemo Scarfo
("Little Nicky;" 1929- ; Scarfo soon received the nickname "Little Nicky" due to his short stature (five feet six inches, 1.67 m); in 1971 recruited Nicholas Caramandi)

Quote: "In June [1986] Nick Caramandi was arrested attempting to extort $1 million from Willard Rouse III * * * Whilst Nick the Crow was in prison Nicky Scarfo began talking of arranging his murder to avoid indictment himself. But a friend of Nick's warned him that Scarfo was mad at him. Caramandi became an informant.

(ii) Nicholas
(Greek Nikolaos: níkē "victory" + laós "people;" section 1 Male variations: Italian: Nicola, Nicolò, Niccolò, Nico, Nicolas)
(iii) Nicodemos (with "s" at the end; níkē "victory" + demos "people")

Both Nicholas and Nicodemos means the same, but are interpreted differently: victory of the people, or ruler /conqueror of the people.
(iv) Nike (mythology)
(a goddess who personified victory)

(c) Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission
(created in 1937 to construct, finance, operate, and maintain the Pennsylvania Turnpike)

This article says the commission "operates the 552-mile turnpike system."
(d) "now his department, which handles everything from undercover checks on toll collectors to hiring external accounting firms for specialized work, is starting to jell, says Mr Gentile"

jell (vi; back-formation from jelly):
"to take shape and achieve distinctness :  become cohesive"

(e) "When he began the job, Mr Gentile was concerned that a reputation as the 'FBI guy' could hurt him. Though he hasn't been able to kick the habit of using law-enforcement code '10-4' in conversation to signal that he understands something, he decided not to decorate his office with memorabilia from his 24 years at the bureau. * * * Though chief compliance officers are almost unheard-of in the public sector, the commission is pursuing a course followed by many private-sector companies that have run into corruption allegations. In fact, Mr. Gentile, who earns about $160,000 a year, says he is trying to make his department a hub of corporate-style strategic thinking, instead of just policing.

(developed in 1937 and expanded in 1974 by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International (APCO); Credit for inventing the codes goes to Charles "Charlie" Hopper, communications director for the Illinois State Police, District 10 in Pesotum, Illinois)

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