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发表于 1-26-2014 18:48:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Lois Smith Bradley, Serendipity: 1. Spreadsheet: 0; Vows: Jennifer Illes and Jonathan Wood. New York Times, Jan 26, 2014.
www.nytimes.com/2014/01/26/fashi ... -spreadsheet-0.html

Excerpt in the window of print: One subway ride, and all her careful planning went out of the window.


"On Jan 11, 2011, when she was still living in Manhattan and working at Google, she left a rehearsal with her a cappella group and boarded the C train at 14th Street, headed to her stop, 72nd.

"On the train, she recalled: 'I started looking around and noticed a really, really good-looking guy standing about 30 feet away.'

"She told herself she would talk to him if he got off at her stop, but he got off at 59th Street. She took that as a sign from the universe that it was not meant to be, then just as the subway doors were closing, she changed her mind, leapt out and followed him.

“'I gained on him as he was walking up the stairs,' she said. 'I remember thinking, "Oh gosh, I look terrible, but here I am." So I just went with it. I tapped him on the shoulder. I said: "You’re wearing gloves so I can’t tell if you are wearing a wedding ring. However, in the event that you’re not married, you were on my subway and I thought you were cute. Any chance I could give you my business card?” '

"he smiled and said, 'Hi, I’m Jon.'

"As usual, Ms Illes was blunt. She asked how he spelled his name.

"(If he spelled it J-O-N, it would indicate that he was probably Jewish, an important item on her list.) He knew exactly what kind of information she sought. He replied, 'J-O-N, the Jewish way.'

"Ms Illes dug around in her backpack for her business card, handed it to him and said, 'I’m Jenny, the Jewish way.'

My comment:
(a) Every Sunday, this newpaper publishes wedding announcements free of charge.
(b) The title is a scoreboard.
(c) There is no need to read the rest.

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