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美国钢材进口激增 (From China)

发表于 1-27-2014 08:49:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
John W Miller, 美国钢材进口激增. 华尔街日报中文版, Jan 27, 2014

, which is translated from

John W Miller, Steel IMports Into US Surge. Wall Street Journal, Jan 27, 2014.


"a surge of [steel]  which are expected to reach 3.2 million tons in January [2014], up 23% from 2.6 million tons in the same month a year earlier.

"'After all the costs are factored in,'including shipping, "it [import] ends up being about 10% cheaper," Mr Howard] Allen[, vice president at Midland Steel Warehouse Corp (a steel comsumer)] says.

For the past year in US, there has been price increases in steel "in large part because of strong auto-industry demand and the improving construction market. The average U.S. price for a roll of benchmark hot-rolled coil is now $676, up roughly 10% compared with a year earlier. By comparison, the current price for Chinese hot-rolled coil available to US buyers is $540 a ton.

"Meanwhile, although China moved to shut down outdated capacity, the country's steel output rose 7.5% to a record 779 million tons, seven times more than the No 2 steel producer, Japan. With demand in China and elsewhere slowing, 'there was a real glut in the global market,' says John Packard, publisher of Steel Market Update.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest.


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