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YE Mengyuan Already Dead When Run Over: SF

发表于 1-30-2014 12:40:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jaxon Van Derbeken, SF Insists Asiana Victim Was Dead When Fire Rigs Hit Her. San Francisco Chronicle, Jan 30, 2014.
www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/S ... en-fire-5186029.php
(City of San Francisco in a Jan 25 report urge[d] the National Transportation Safety Board to make that determination" because Ye had no fire retardant foam or dirt  in her lungs)


"The city did not say whether a forensic pathologist had examined the autopsy report on Ye to reach the report's conclusions. Airport spokesman Doug Yakel said only that 'we relied on information that has already been made public' by the federal safety board.

San Mateo County Coroner Robert Foucrault, who had ruled that Ye had been alive before she was struck by fire trucks, "said in an interview Wednesday that his office is responsible for providing a 'true and accurate, unbiased' report of what happened. 'We did that here,' he said, and 'this is nothing more than a process of litigation. I'm not surprised by the report by the city and county of San Francisco. But it's totally inaccurate.'  Foucrault said there is no recognized test to detect fire retardant foam in the lungs, and that in any event, Ye hadn't been fully covered with foam when the first rig hit her. 'If the first vehicle killed her, she wouldn't have fire retardant foam in airways,' Foucrault said. He also said Ye had suffered massive internal hemorrhaging from her head, which was struck by one of the rigs. Such bleeding can occur only if the victim's heart is still pumping blood, he said.

(a) City and County of San Francisco are co-extensive.
(b) San Mateo County, California
(just south of San Francisco; "San Mateo county bears the Spanish name for Saint Matthew. As a place name, San Mateo appears as early as 1776"/ "San Francisco International Airport is geographically located in San Mateo County, but it is owned by the City and County of San Francisco. San Mateo County does own two general aviation airports: Half Moon Bay Airport and San Carlos Airport")
(c) There is a dispute, and that is what a court is for.

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