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Japan Warms Up to Taiwan

发表于 2-19-2014 16:41:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Shannon Tiezzi, To Counter Beijing, Japan Moves Closer to Taiwan; Rumors of a Japanese Taiwan Relations Act hint at a possible strategy to court Taipei at Beijing’s expense. The Diplomat, Feb 20, 2014 (available now)
("The [would-be] law [a Japanese version of the Taiwan Relations Act  「日本版・台湾関係法」(仮称)] is championed by Japan-Taiwan Young Parliamentary Association on Economic Exchange, a group chaired by Nobuo KISHI 岸 信夫 [衆議院議員 2012- ; 日台若手議連、会長; 外務副大臣], who happens to be the younger brother of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe")

(a) 仮称 = temporary name
(b) 岸 信夫
("安倍晋太郎・洋子夫婦の三男として生まれた * * * 生後間もなく母・洋子の実家、岸家の信和・仲子夫婦に養子として迎えられた。夫婦に子供ができず * * * 晋三と実の兄弟であることは知らずに育った")

translation: the third son of 安倍晋太郎・洋子夫婦 * * * soon after his birth, he was adopted by the 岸信和・仲子夫婦 (father side of 洋子), who could not bear childs * * * When he grew up, he was unaware that Shinzō wa his biological brother
(b) Shinzō Abe's father 安倍晋太郎 married 洋子 (who by law had to changed her maiden name (Kishi) for her husband's. 洋子's father was former prime minister 岸 信介. 安倍晋太郎 had three sons: 安倍寛信, 安倍晋三 and 岸信夫, in that order.


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 楼主| 发表于 2-19-2014 16:41:29 | 只看该作者
Jens Kastner, Taiwan: The Winner in the China-Japan Row?  Dispute between two powers results in unexpected benefits for tiny Taiwan's fishing industry. Al Jazeera, Feb 3, 2014
www.aljazeera.com/indepth/featur ... 42294639293399.html
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