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发表于 2-20-2014 16:54:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
杰安迪, 西藏古籍历经漂泊在中国安家. 纽约时报中文网, Feb 20, 2014

, which is translated from

Andrew Jacobs, After Winding Odyssey, Tibetan Texts Find Home in China; An American scholar’s trove of 12,000 works. New York Times, Feb 16, 2014
(a new library on the campus of the Southwest University for Nationalities here in Chengdu; the collection’s donor, E Gene Smith: "The tale of how Mr Smith, who died in 2010, amassed the world’s largest private collection of Tibetan literature and then sought to return the books to China")

(a) Southwest University for Nationalities 西南民族大学 (located in Chengdu) is different from Southwest University 西南大学 (based in Chongqing).
(b) "Greg Beier, chief fund-raiser for the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, the American organization that Mr Smith helped create"

Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center   

The cnnytimes.com translates it as 西藏佛教资源中心, but the website uses 藏传佛教资源中心.
(c) "As part of the arrangement, Mr Smith’s institute, based in Cambridge, Mass, provides salaries for the four archivists who spend their days scanning and cataloging texts that can be read free online."

The institute refers to TBRC (on Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass).
(d) "In November, robed monks from the Dongkar Monastery 董噶寺 in western Sichuan arrived with a yellowing collection of 300-year-old texts that had never been published. Scrawled in cinnabar and black ink, the manuscripts, detailing the tantric rituals of Buddhist deities, were copies of 15th-century texts. The monks stayed for five weeks while archivists scanned 6,000 pages, then returned home carrying their beloved texts and a single CD-ROM of digital copies. They vowed to return with seven more volumes."

(section 6 Toxicity)

It's red per se. a related form (with a different chemical composition) can be black.

(e) "Painted to resemble a lamasery, the library contains thousands of travelogues, biographies and medical treatises that bear only a passing resemblance to Western-style books. Most were printed using hand-carved wood blocks"

lamasery (n): "a monastery of lamas"
(f) "Using money from an American government program, he printed thousands of rare texts that were later distributed to libraries and scholars around the world. Mr. Smith invariably kept one copy of each print run, forming a collection that took over his Cambridge home and eventually filled two trailers."

print run (n; countable): "the number of copies of a book produced at one time"
Cambridge Dictionaries Online, undated.

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