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发表于 3-7-2014 08:49:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Mar 7, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/trad/worl ... der_disparity.shtml

Note: The report is based on
(a) International Women’s Day 2014; Equality for women is progress for all. OECD, Mar 7, 2014

(i) One can reach the pertinent data by clicking the "Balancing paid work, unpaid work and leisure" in the center of the Web page.
-------------------->  A new Web page with that title appears:
www.oecd.org/gender/data/balanci ... dworkandleisure.htm


“Among the sample of countries, the United Kingdom has the longest working hours culture * * * France and the United Kingdom are also the countries where most women usually work more than 40 hours per week

“Turkish women spend the most time doing unpaid work, such as housework or shopping, at 377 minutes a day, followed by Mexican women at 373. This compares to their menfolk: Mexican men who spend an average of 113 minutes on unpaid work and Korean men who spend only 45 minutes, the least of all. If we look at the sum of paid and unpaid work, women work more than men (2.6 hours more per week on average across the OECD).

* The bottom half of the Web page is a table (heading: “Time spent in unpaid work and leisure[;] Minutes per day”) of men and women in ten (10) selected OECD nations, plus OECD 26 averages. To view the FULL data set, click "Download the OECD data on time use" beneath the table.
(ii) ----------------------------------->  A new Web page of spreadsheet comes up (for OECD 26 as well as China, India and South Africa: altogether 29 nations; subjects are men and women, aged 15-64 and “both weekdays and weekends” (see top of “Total”)).   

(A) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The spreadsheet that comes up (in Microsoft Excel format) is for “MEN & WOM” (in the upper left corner). That is the combined (or “Total”) data. To reach the data set for “Men” and “Women” separately, please go to the bottom of the spreadsheet. (I spend a lot of time in at last locating the separate data, having not noticed the bottom of the spreadsheet.)
(B) You will find that Turkish women spend 377 minutes a day on “unpaid work” whereas Indian women 352 minutes (that is why the BBC Chinese report says, “印度女性平均每天花在做家務、照顧老小、購物等家事上的時間約六小時,男性則不到一小時——凖確地說53分鐘”), Chinese women 234.
(C) The corresponding figures for men in Turkey, India and China are, respectively, 116, 52 [not “53” as the BBC Chinese says], and 91 minutes a day.
(D) The difference between men and women are the biggest in India (300 minutes; Turkey: 261 minutes), so BBC and other media single out Indian men for pillory.

(b) The time use is in fact part of National Time Use Survey, that OECD has conducted annually since 2005 (inclusive).

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