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发表于 3-20-2014 08:51:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Mar 20, 2014.
www.voachinese.com/content/retir ... 140320/1875207.html


(a) "香港英文的南华早报则在3月17日援引两个军中消息来源报道说,徐才厚因患癌已到晚期,等于已经 '被判死刑,' 加上 '积极退赃,' 因此获得高层放弃对他进一步调查。


(b) "而几天前才说针对徐才厚的调查已经放弃的香港南华早报, 3月20日也发出最新报道说,其消息来源说,徐才厚上周六被从解放军301医院带走,而他的妻子、女儿以及秘书也在同一天被抓。但到目前为止,这些消息都无法获得中国官方证实。曾任南华早报副总编的中国问题专家林和立星期四对美国之音表示,由于徐才厚与江泽民的关系非常紧密

Note: The report cites
(a) 前中央軍委副主席徐才厚被關押. 明鏡網, Mar 17, 2014 ("明鏡獨家")
(b) Ex-PLA Top General Xu Caihou Held in Cash for Rank Probe; Xu Caihou, who is dying of cancer, is hauled from his sick bed to answer allegations that he raked in millions by selling military ranks.South China Morning Post, Mar 20, 2014 (news.google.com: "18 hours ago")
www.scmp.com/news/china/article/ ... eld-cash-rank-probe
("was taken from his sick bed at 301 Military Hospital in Beijing on Saturday by dozens of armed policemen. His wife, daughter and personal secretary were taken into custody on the same day, sources told the Post. He was detained on the same day as President Xi Jinping chaired the first meeting of a steering group that will tackle reform in the military. Xu, 71, has been placed under shuanggui * * * in a secretive detention centre")

It is now 12 pm EDT.
Benjamin Kang Lim and Ben Blanchard, Former Top China Army Officer Under House Arrest in Graft Probe: Sources. (news.google.com: "4 hours ago")
www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/ ... J0SK20140320Reuters, Mar 20, 2014

bascially confirmed it (without referring to oterh similar reports) and adds nothing new. There is no need to read it.

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