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No to China’s Search: India+性侵留守女童+Urban Build'g Before 2000: 1/4

发表于 3-21-2014 11:03:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
China Offers to Search India’s Waters, Guess What India Says. India Real Time, Mar 21, 2014
("China on Thursday [Mar 20] reportedly asked permission to send four ships, including two frigates, into Indian waters ['around India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands,' which 'are home to an important Indian military outpost, the only tri-services command in the country']. Many of the passengers on the lost plane are Chinese citizens.  India swiftly and quietly said no [without explanation], according to the reports [in India]")

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 楼主| 发表于 3-21-2014 11:04:12 | 只看该作者
Maura Elizabeth Cunningham (a historian and writer based in Shanghai), The Vulnerability of China’s Left-Behind Children. China Real Time, Mar 21, 2014


"An estimated 61 million children live apart from their parents in China today * * * Often left to their own devices, they are an easy target for attackers: Various studies indicate that a shockingly high percentage of assault cases involve left-behind girls—in the range of 90% in some areas of Guangdong province. But sexual predation is not the only problem that left-behind children face. Local and foreign news websites are littered with stories of left-behind children being kidnapped by human traffickers (in Chinese), dying in dumpsters and committing suicide. * * * [Chinese] is responsible for the biggest obstacle to family reunification—the hukou

"At the time, international child-advocacy workers estimated that the Anti-Japanese War (or World War II outside China) left approximately two million children without families.

My comment:
(a) Beijing acts swiftly, having delinked by now (2 pm EDT) the “range of 90%” leaving only a blank page in Globaltimes.cn which looks like an English-language report, judging from both the context of the China Real Time report and the fact that the report appeared in GlobalTimes.cn rather than Huanqiu.com.  
(b) My own research indicates the following report is likely similar:

留守女童占被性侵人群94% 妇联建议出台法规. 正义网, Sept 15, 2013.
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 楼主| 发表于 3-21-2014 11:04:35 | 只看该作者
Richard Silk, In China, ’90s Housing Is Already Vintage. China Real Time, Mar 21, 2014
(around 85% of US housing was built before the new millennium. The figure for China--in URBAN areas only, excluding countryside--is estimated by Nomura to be 22%, and by Thomas Gatley of Gavekal Dragonomics, a research firm, 26%)

Quote: "China has several thousand years of history, but there’s little sign of it walking round most Chinese cities today. A furious succession of wars, revolutions and natural disasters has left the country with little in the way of historic buildings, and much of what survived into the 21st century has been summarily demolished to make way for row after row of gleaming new apartment blocks.
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