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发表于 3-25-2014 08:52:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Drew FitzGerald, 华为扩大全球互联网设备市场份额. 华尔街日报中文版, Mar 25, 2014

, which is translated from

Drew FitzGerald, Cheap and Now Ubiquitous: Huawei. Wall Street Journal, Mar 25, 2014.


Huawei "surpassed Alcatel-Lucet to become the second largest supplier of core Internet plumbing [as a supplier of 'wireless gear,' 'the gear that forms the backbone of the Internet'] in 2012 behind Cisco Systems Inc, according to market-research firm Dell'Oro Group. And Huawei is angling to play a bigger role in laying the undersea [optic] fiber that ties the global Internet together.

"Security concerns have kept Huawei out of Internet projects in Australia and South Korea and [cables] under the Atlantic [ocean]. But the company * * * still has found * * * [customers for] its subsea cable lines in Portugal and the Philippines.

"'At the end of the day, these guys are growing,' said Brian Marshall, an information-technology analyst for investment reasearch firm ISI Group, refering to Huawei. That dustinguishes Huawei from rivals like Cisco * * *whose market share at teh Internet's core has stalled out for the past three years, according to Dell'Oro. A Cisco spokesman declined to comment.

"The company's advantage often comes from equipment offered at a fraction of the price of its competitors. When Hibernia Networks Chief Executive Bjarni Thorvardarson was pricing equipment for the upgrade of a pair of Atlantic subsea cables in 2006, he found Huawei's high-powered laser equipment cost about a third as much as the nearest competitor's offering.

My comment:
(a) The second half of the report talks about security concerns over Huawei equipment, which is familiar and there is no need to read about.
(b) Please view the graphic, whose footnote is
"* IP路由器,转换气和光纤传输设备" (in Chinese edition), and
"* IP router, switch and optical transport equipment" (In English version).

The definitions are crucial. I do not know what they are, and can not make an independent judgment.
(c) telecommunications equipment
("is hardware used for the purposes of telecommunications. Since the 1990s the boundary between telecoms equipment and IT hardware has become blurred as a result of the growth of the internet and its increasing role in the transfer of telecoms data")

Of note, section 2 Vendors:
(i) The world's five largest telecommunications equipment vendors measured by applicable 2011 revenues are: Ericsson > Huawei > Alcatel Lucent > NSN [acronym for Nokia Solutions and Networks] > ZTE

When the first half of 2012 results were known for market share by revenue, Huawei surpassed Ericsson, becoming top telecom equipment vendor (widely reported around July 24, 2012)--and maintained the lead in 2013 also.
(ii) The world's five largest router and switch vendors measured by applicable revenues in the second quarter of 2013 are: Cisco> Huawei > Alcatel-Lucent> Juniper Networks > ZTE

* What is the difference between the two categories, I have wondered for years.

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