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Economist, Mar 29, 2014 (I)

发表于 3-29-2014 16:49:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
America’s awful airports | A New Ranking.
("On March 26th Skytrax, a consultancy, released its list of the world’s 100 best airports. The highest-ranked in America was tiny Cincinnati, at 27th")

(a) Skytrax
(section 1.2.2 World's top 10 best airports 2014)

is established in 1989, privately owned and based in London.

(b) Summary of 2014 World Airport Awards Results; The leading global Awards for the World's Best Airports, as voted by travellers from over 160 countries in the largest airport Customer Satisfaction survey. World Airport Rewards, Skytrax, undated.
(i) It is a "summary,"so there must be a complete list, as suggested by the Economist graphic.
World's Best Airports: Beijing Capital International Airport (No 7);
World's Best Domestic Airports: Shanghai Hongqiao Int'l Airport (2), Haikou Meilan 美兰 International Airport (7);
World's Best Airport Terminals: Shanghai Hongqiao Airport-T2 (4), Chengdu Shuangliu 双流 Int'l Airport - T2 (7), Beijing Capital Int'l Airport - T3 (8);

World's Most Improved Airports: Shenzhen Bao'an 宝安 Int'l Airport (1), Xi'an Xianyang International Airport (2), Chengdu Shuangliu Int'l Airport (3), Guangzhou Baiyun Airport (7);

World's Best Airport VIP Terminals: Haikou Meilan Int'l Airport (3), Beijing Capital Int'l Airport (6), Guangzhou Baiyun Int'l Airpor (7), Chengdu Shuangliu Int'l Airport (8), Changsha Huanghua 黄花 Int'l Airport (9), Chongqing Jiangbei 江北 Int'l Airport (10);

World's Best Airports Serving 40-50 Million Passengers: Shanghai Pudong Int'l Airport (4);
World's Best Airports Serving 30-40 Million Passengers: Shanghai Hongqiao Int'l Airport (2), Taiwan Taoyuan 桃園 Int'l Airport (4);

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 楼主| 发表于 3-29-2014 16:50:58 | 只看该作者
Memoirs of a German soldier | Return of a War Classic; A timeless account of war as the human soul’s primordial experience.
www.economist.com/news/books-and ... -return-war-classic
(book review on Ernst Jünger (Michael Hofmann, Translator), Storm of Steel. Penguin Classic, 2004)

(a) Storm of Steel
(i) Ernst Jünger (1895 – 1998; German; In 1913 [age 18], he ran away from home to join the French Foreign Legion, in which he served very briefly in North Africa; "He was wounded seven times" in WWI)  Wikipedia
(ii) The German surname Jünger is "from Middle High German jünger ‘younger’, for the younger of two bearers of the same personal name, usually a son who bore the same name as his father."
(In German, The letter "j" is pronounced like "y" in English.)

(b) "To Jünger, war is not a puzzle or disaster but merely an elemental force, like the storm in his title or any of the other metaphors he draws from nature. * * * If Jünger sees evil in all this, it is in the materiel, not in his human adversaries. * * * But actual 'encounters with the Britishers left us pleasantly impressed with their bravery and manliness,' resulting in 'an almost sportsmanlike admiration for the other.' The biggest enemy is 'boredom, which is still more enervating for the soldier than the proximity of death.'"
(i) elemental (adj): "of, relating to, or resembling a great force of nature <the rains come with elemental violence> <elemental passions>"
(ii) Britisher (n; First Known Use 1829): "Briton"
(iii) enervate (v)

(c) “'The perennial question came up a lot, of course: Why does mankind have wars?' Up it may have come, but Jünger shows no interest in attempting answers.
In this nonjudgmental tone, 'Storm of Steel' is, among the war classics, the antipode to, say, Erich Maria Remarque’s 'All Quiet on the Western Front.'"
(i) "Up it may have come" = God
(ii) antipode (n; ultimately from Greek, antipod-, antipous with feet opposite, from anti- + pod-, pous foot)
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