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在押维族学者伊利哈木在美获奖 中国表达不满

发表于 4-1-2014 08:09:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Apr 1, 2014
(“总部在纽约的美国笔会星期一宣布,将2014年度芭芭拉·戈德史密斯(Barbara Goldsmith)自由写作奖授予中国维吾尔族学者伊力哈木·土赫提(Ilham Tohti)。目前就读于美国印第安纳大学的伊力哈木女儿菊尔·伊力哈木(Jewher Ilham)将于5月5日在美国纽约自然历史博物馆代表被捕的父亲领奖”)

My comment:
(a) Barbara Goldsmith
(“She founded and funds the PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award in order to spotlight writers of conscience in 113 countries who have disappeared, were tortured, or in prison at the time of the awards”)

This Wiki is unusual, because it does not say when she was born (1937 in New York City) and how she got rich (the first inkling of her riches was the heading of section 3
(Philanthropy), and the second (section 1: “After the Tribune failed in 1967, Goldsmith provided Felker with the money to purchase the name “New York”[3] and in 1968 [Goldsmith] became a founding editor and writer of New York Magazine”). I read the Wiki page a bit, got the impression she earned by writing best sellers. It is not the case; see next.
(b) Dan Rattiner, Who’s Here: Barbara Goldsmith Writer & Philanthropist. Dan’s Papers, July 12, 2013.

“Her father’s father emigrated from the Russian-Polish border at the turn of the 20th century to the Lower East

“By the time Barbara and her sister were born, he [Barbara’s father] was extremely affluent. Among other properties, he owned more than 50% of Pepsi Cola and was its chairman. He was also, along with David Rockefeller, able to donate a considerable amount of land he owned on the East Side of Manhattan to make it possible for the United Nations to have its headquarters in New York. Barbara’s mother, Evelyn, came from more fortunate circumstances. Her father, Reuben Cronson, was Chief of Surgery at New York Presbyterian Hospital.

“At Wellesley, she signed up to be an English major, and in her first class, her English professor asked everyone to write what they did over the summer. When she got her essay back, there was a big red C on it. And the comment under it said that there was a dangling participle and she needed work on learning her grammar.

“At the New York section of The Herald Tribune (the newspaper which would soon lose its struggle to stay in business), Goldsmith worked for Clay Felker, and when the Tribune collapsed he asked her to help buy the title “New York” from the newspaper. She did. In 1968 the magazine began with Goldsmith as one of the founding editors.

“in 1973, shocked at how some people in the art world treated artists, Goldsmith embarked upon writing her first book, a work of fiction called The Straw Man. * * * It shot straight up to #2 on The New York Times Best Seller List.

* For dangling participle, see dangling modifier
* She did not get wealthy by writing best sellers. That is for sure, judging from the last quotation (though the writing could have made her richer).

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