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Sunflower Protest Announces the Apr 10 End

发表于 4-7-2014 08:52:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Michael Gold, Taiwan Anti-China Protest Exposes Island's Nationalist Divide. Reuters, Apr 7, 2014.
www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/ ... USBREA3606V20140407


(a) "This is the first time protesters, a common sight in Taiwan, have taken over the island's highest lawmaking body, and constitute the largest anti-China protest in years.

(b) "But the deal spawned revulsion among young Taiwanese who feel they have nothing in common with a mainland where the press is censored, protests crushed and dissidents jailed. The backlash is the latest threat to Ma, whose approval ratings had already fallen into single digits before the fracas broke out.

"'Are we Chinese or are we Taiwanese?' said protester Yen Wei-chen, 21. 'If you look at our parents' generation, everything was Republic of China, one China. But we're Taiwanese. I don't feel Chinese at all.'

(c) "China has maintained a largely neutral stance on Taiwan's democracy, saying its main concern, for now, is boosting trade and investment and not rocking the diplomatic boat.

My comment:
(a) In the title, the Reuters title is actually "Taiwan anti-China protest exposes island's nationalist divide."  The "nationalist" is not "Nationalist" whcih means a KMT member.
(b) There is no need to read teh rest, which is familiar.

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 楼主| 发表于 4-7-2014 08:52:16 | 只看该作者
Tammy Tam, Will Taiwan Become a New Hong Kong - or Vice Versa?  Protests in Taipei raise a string of questions about city's future and Beijing's approach. South China Morning Post, Apr 7, 2014 (in the column City Beat).
www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/arti ... -kong-or-vice-versa


"As Taiwanese students stormed the Legislative Yuan to protest against a trade pact with the mainland, the chant rang out: 'Today's Hong Kong, tomorrow's Taiwan!' 今日香港,明日台灣 The slogan caused mixed feelings in Hong Kong and troubled Beijing. Could it be that 'today's Taiwan' - protests and all - will actually be 'tomorrow's Hong Kong'?

"whatever happens in Taiwan, Beijing long ago realised it could not cite Hong Kong as a model for the cross-strait relationship and seldom mentions it in talks with Taipei. Instead, Beijing keeps a very close eye on certain 'Taiwan influences' that may penetrate Hong Kong. The central government also restricts exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan, insisting they be "non-official" in nature, except with its prior approval.

"Hongkongers have mixed feelings about Taiwan: while many envy its democratic elections, scenes of violence and disruption in the legislature raise eyebrows. And the latest protests gave pro-establishment lawmakers a new worry. They fear the Legislative Council building would prove impossible to defend if Occupy Central 佔領中環 got out of control.
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