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Chinese kids in American Catholic High Schools

发表于 4-8-2014 08:08:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Kyle Spencer, 美国教会学校里的中国富家子弟. 纽约时报中文网, Apr 8, 2014

, which is translated from

Kyle Spencer, Catholic Sschools Import Chinese, and Their Cash. New York Times, Apr 7, 2014 (front page).

My comment:
(a) Wayne, New Jersey
(a township; located less than 20 miles (32 km) from Midtown Manhattan [which is southeast of Wayne])
(b) Sure, the report talks about wealthy Chinese, but, to me, that is not the focus, which is how Chinese young women (and men) explore America and acculturate themselves. The story is intriguing to me.
(c) I chuckled upon reading Ms Di WANG's exclamation, “Oh, my God! So this is a Catholic school.”  But "Catholic" is right there in the name of the school: DePaul Catholic High School. How could she not know?
(d) She is 18 and came to the high school to "join the class of 2014." That means she will graduate this year and came four years ago.
(e) For DePaul, see DePaul University
(in Chicago; the university takes its name from the 17th-century French priest Saint Vincent de Paul; In 1998 it became the largest Catholic university by enrollment in the United States)

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