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发表于 4-9-2014 08:27:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Apr 8, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... ina_us_taiwan.shtml
(中国国防部周三(9日)在声明中谴责美国无视中国的抗议,一意孤行; 对美国众议院同意批准向台湾出售四艘二手军舰的提案表示愤怒)

My comment: I am confused.
(a) US years ago offered four Perry-classfrigates to Taiwan. After a couple of years, the Ma administration, having declined (for reasons unclear to me, but possibly due to budget constrait), agreed to buy two. See

Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate
(In commission: 1977–Present; Completed: 71; Active: 11 (US Navy); section 4 Operator: "Republic of China (Taiwan) (Cheng Kung-class 成功級 巡防艦 [commissioned 1993- ]): Taiwanese-built [based on Perry]. Originally eight ships were equipped with eight Hsiung Feng II anti-ship missiles, now all but PFG-1103 [PFG: Patrol Frigate, Guided Missile] are carrying four HF-2 and four HF-3 supersonic AShM. The PFG-1103 Cheng Ho 鄭和號 will change the anti-ship mix upon their major overhaul. Seven out of eight ships added Bofors 40 mm/L70 guns for both surface and anti-air use. On November 5, 2012 Minister of Defense Kao 高 華柱 announced the US government will sell Taiwan two additional Perry-class frigates that are about to be retired from the U.S. Navy for a cost of US$240 million to be retrofitted and delivered in 2015.[16]")

, whose footnote 16 is
Taiwan to Buy Perry-Class Frigates From US. Central News Agency (Taipei), Nov 5, 2012
("Taiwan will purchase two Oliver Hazard Perry-Class frigates from the United States in 2014")
(b) So, altogether will US sell four Perry-class frigates, or six?

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