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发表于 4-9-2014 11:03:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Alina Dizik, Distillers of Craft Vodka Serve Sips, Not Shots. Wall Street Journal, Apr 9, 2014.


“The most popular liquor with US consumers is vodka [whose distill takes ‘less than a day’ and which constitutes ‘the $5.5 billion US marke’], accounting for roughly a quarter of all new spirits launched in 2012, according to Chicago research firm Technomic Inc

“Craft distillers suggest sipping vodka at room temperature to experience the full range of naturally occurring notes in unflavored distilled vodka. These notes—including orange, pepper, vanilla, berry and even caramel—can be hard to detect and somewhat ambiguous, and they shouldn't be confused with the superpotent flavorings branded vodkas add to extend sales and obscure the alcoholic sting. ‘The differences in vodka are very subtle, so you need to do everything you can to really experience it,’ says Tony Abou-Ganim, author of ‘Vodka Distilled,’ a guide to consuming vodka

“Vodka is made when a grain, fruit or vegetable containing natural sugar or starch is fermented and then distilled, or heated, to reach a higher alcohol content. Most producers distill vodka multiple times to reach 190-proof alcohol concentration and then dilute with water to achieve about 80 proof, or 40% alcohol. Many refine their vodka further by carbon filtration, typically done using charcoal.

“In Russia and parts of Eastern Europe, pumpernickel bread, pickled vegetables and marinated fish are the traditional, somewhat salty complements to vodka, Mr Abou-Ganim says.

“One of vodka's big advantages is its versatility. Vodka is defined by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [ATF] as being ‘without distinctive character, aroma, taste, or color,’ and it goes well in both light, citrusy summer cocktails and creamy winter drinks.

(a) note (n):
“2a :  a characteristic feature (as of odor or flavor)
b :  something (as an emotion or disposition) like a note in tone or resonance <a note of sadness> <end on a high note>”

(b) “Middle West, a Columbus, Ohio, distiller founded in 2009, sells its OYO brand vodka * * * OYO (pronounced ‘o-EE-o’) is a reference to the Iroquois name for the Ohio River.”
(i) The State of Ohio is named after the river of the same name.
(ii) Ohio River
(The Ohio River, which streams westward from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Cairo, Illinois is the largest tributary, by volume, of the Mississippi River; named in Iroquoian or Seneca: Ohi:yó, lit. "Good [or Great] River")

(c) “To distinguish between brands, Mr Abou-Ganim recommends sampling several vodkas at one sitting. He prefers sipping from a sherry glass to enhance one's ’"nosing’ ability, or aroma detection.”

wine glassen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wine_glass
(section 3.4 Sherry glass)

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