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发表于 4-20-2014 11:30:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Some assert eco-ship concept is just hype. I do not have data, to say one way or the other.

Surface Forces: Getting In Shape. Strategy Page, Apr 18, 2014

Note: “For two decades now navies have been looking for ways to install more of the ‘smart ship’ type automation, found in civilian ships.”

USS Yorktown (CG-48)
(1984-2004; section 2 Smart ship testbed [not much contribution was made])

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 楼主| 发表于 4-20-2014 11:33:21 | 只看该作者
Japan's Cutting-Edge Eco-Ships on Voyage. Kids Web Japan, undated (under the heading “Hi-Tech;” Part I)

(a) Legend of photo 1: “The Auriga Leader, a car carrier, which put solar energy into actual use for the first time in the world [‘went into service in December 2008;’ by definition a hybrid]. © Nippon Yusen K.K.”
(i) Auriga Leader  アウリガ・リーダー  (katakana)
(ii) Auriga (constellation)
( its name is the Latin word for "charioteer")
(iii) Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha  日本郵船株式会社
(in English: NYK Line; founded by the Tosa 土佐 clan in 1870; a core Mitsubishi company [which is private: does not sell stocks], headquarters Tokyo)  Wikipedia

(b) “In June 2012, the Emerald Ace [エメラルド・エース; built by 三菱重工 神戸造船所], also a car carrier, went into service with 768 solar panels on its deck.”
(c) Please visit Part II, by scroll down and click.
Part II
(a) Legend of photo 1: “The Yamato ヤマト, a module carrier, uses air bubbles to decrease friction resistance with seawater. © NYK-Hinode Line, Ltd 日之出郵船株式会社.”

(founded in 1912, acquired in 1964 by 昭和海運, which was in turn acquired in 1998 by 日本郵船)

(b) Legend of photo 3: “The City of St Petersburg, an energy-saving car carrier built by Kyokuyo Shipyard Corporation, which has a hemispherical bow to reduce wind resistance.”
(i) MV City of St Petersburg
(a roll-on/roll-off, pure car carrier cargo ship made for Nissan Motor Company Ltd, designed with a sleek semi-spherical prow to reduce wind resistance, thus saving 800 tons of fuel annually)
(ii) MV
(Motor Vessel, a motorized ship; used as a prefix for ship names)
(iii) Kyokuyo Shipyard Corporation  旭洋造船株式会社 (based in 山口県下関市; established in 1942)

(c) Legend of photo 4: “An artist's sketch of the next-generation car carrier ISHIN-I featuring both a ship design for reducing air resistance and solar panels. © Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Inc.”
(i) Mitsui OSK Lines  商船三井
(acronym: MOL; headquarters Tokyo; founded in 1964, following the merger of Osaka Shosen Kaisha (OSK; 大阪商船株式会社) and Mitsui Steamship Co, Ltd)
(ii) ISHIN is the acronym of “Innovations in Sustainability backed by Historically Proven, INtegrated Technologies.” (I from innovation, S from sustainability, H from Historically, IN from * * *; Japanese pronunciation for 維新 is “ishin.”)
(iii) The Last letter in “ISHIN-I) denotes the first ship--to be followed by ISHIN-II.
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 楼主| 发表于 4-20-2014 11:34:08 | 只看该作者
Shipbuilding MENU Gourmand. maritimejapan.com (about Japanese maritime industry), 2014.
www.maritimejapan.com/themes/mar ... g_MENU_Gourmand.pdf

Note: "Sōyō 双洋 [the macron signifying a long vowel], a 50,872-g/t dry-bulk carrier built by Oshima Shipbuilding Co, Ltd, is equipped with the world's first air lubrication system applying the scavenging air bypass technology."  at 3
(i) For gross tonnage, see tonnage
(Gross tonnage (GT) is a function of the volume of all ship's enclosed spaces (from keel to funnel))
(ii) Oshima Shipbuilding Co, Ltd 株式会社大島造船所  (privately held; based in 長崎県西海市大島町; founded in 1973; a  joint venture between Sumitomo 住友 and the Daizo Corporation)  Wikipedia
(iii) Daizo Corporation 株式会社ダイゾ, now a chemical manufacturer, was formed in 1936 as 株式会社大阪造船所 (“daizo” is Chinese pronunciation for 大造).
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