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发表于 4-23-2014 07:53:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Apr 23, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... g_china_child.shtml

My comment:
(a) It is shocking to discover that the first half of the BBC report is a plagiarism, copied and pasted from

刘欢, 香港警方还原内地幼童小便事件经过:2岁幼童是男孩. 新华网山东频道, Apr 23, 2014.
(i) So far, the only follow-up is from Xinhua, which published this report only. All other news media cite this report, with attribution ("新华"); only BBC Chinese does not mention the source (VOAhas not reported on this).
(ii) It is hard to believe 香港警务处公共关系科当值新闻主任 gave an interview with Xinhua only (because it is conceivable news outlets would like to ask Hong Kong Police Force 香港警务处 questions), but this is the case.

(b) "中国官媒《环球时报》总编胡锡进以单仁平的笔名发表一篇题为 '香港拍照者比幼童街尿更不文明' 的评论文章。"

单仁平, 香港拍照者比幼童街尿更不文明. 环球时报, Apr 23, 2014.

It is 11:30 am EDT, Apr 23, 2014. As of now, 环球时报has deleted this commentary. Maybe for good reasons: It talked about 女孩, disclamer notwithstanding ("由于这一冲突的细节未得到视频的完整复原,我们认为,媒体对这件事的评论不应以网上传闻为基础,从价值观出发勾勒现场未必真实的画面"). Never says a word when fact is murky.

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