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A Buckeye, Mistaken in Beijing as Taiwanese, Savors the Memory

发表于 4-23-2014 15:50:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The following--whose second half is about Beijing, Taiwan and Ohio--is in Air Travel page of Business section. The first part of the

Suber Huang, Answering the Emergency Call: Yes, There Is a Doctor on Board. New York Times, Apr 22, 2014.
www.nytimes.com/2014/04/22/busin ... octor-on-board.html

(a) Dr Suber Huang's mother is Dr Ru-Chih HUANG 黃周 汝吉. See
Tom Pelton, Scientist, Stung by Criticism, Is Defiant. Researche: A Johns Hopkins professor seeks to restore her tarnished reputation and persevere in her work for an anti-cancer drug. Baltimore Sun, Dec 16, 2001
("RU CHIH HUANG is a 69-year-old academic, barely five feet tall")

five consecutive paragraphs:

"Huang was born in Nanjing in 1932. When she was 5, the Japanese army invaded, slaughtering up to 300,000 people in what became known as the "Rape of Nanking" (later called Nanjing). Her family fled to a cave, using candles for light as bombs fell on their city, author Mary Ellen Verheyden-Hilliard wrote in a 1985 book about Huang.

"After the war, her family had to flee again. Mao's communist forces swept through, killing many members of her mother's family, who were viewed with hostility because they were wealthy landlords.

"Her family escaped by boat to Taiwan when she was 15. She was inspired to study science by reading a biography of Marie Curie, the scientist who discovered X-rays, and earned a biology degree from the National Taiwan University in 1953.

"At age 21, Huang traveled alone by ship across the Pacific and then took a six-day bus ride from California to Virginia to enroll at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. She received an F on her first science test, but persevered to earn A's and complete her master's degree in biology.

"Her son, Suber Huang, tells a family story about the day she married his father, Pien Chien Huang, another Chinese student studying at the university.

(b) Suber S. Huang, MD, MBA. American Society of Retina Specialists, undated
("a native of Columbus, Ohio and is certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology. He received his undergraduate degree from the Johns Hopkins University, his medical degree in 1990 from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and his MBA in 2004 from the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University"/ [currently:] Philip F and Elizabeth Searle Professor and Vice-Chair - Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Case Western Reserve University)
(c) motehr:
Ru Chih HUANG, McElroy Honorary Research Professor, Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University, undated
(d) father:
Pien Chien Huang, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.  黃 秉乾
(PhD, Ohio State University)

The parents both are currently listed as emeritus professors in 國立交通大學生物科技學系暨研究所 (Taiwan).

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