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发表于 4-27-2014 09:44:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BBC Chinese, Apr 27, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... n_kmt_protest.shtml

two consecutive paragraphs:


“示威者说他们的占领马路行动是要告诉掌权者 ‘人民将会夺回自己的权力,不会再对你的威权服从’

My comment:
(a) I am in favor nuclear power plants. I thought that president Chen Shui-bian, who I respect, caved in to naysayers (who concentrate in his party, DPP) when early in his first term he abruptly suspended the construction of the power plant. But Mr Chen was swiftly rebuked by both KMT-led legislature and supreme court there.
(b) Having lived in US for three decades, I would not tolerate the scofflaws, if I were a policy maker there. “Occupy[ing] parliament”--as some Western reports called it in the past month, though Taiwanese usually call the institution “Legislature” in English, not Congress either--is different from occupying a road. (In US, a legislative branch has the final say over its premise. Such a concept--separation of powers--does not exist in Taiwan, despite President Ma Ying-jeou's Harvard law degree. Thus executive branch there wants to prosecute the protesters, though speaker there would not if he is ever consulted.)
(c) “台湾最高学术机构中央研究院的二十五名院士则联名发表一份共同声明 * * * 引述美国自然资源保护委员会的报告”

About Us. Natural Resources Defense Council, undated
, which is just a non-government organization (NGO), not a government agency. In any event, US government will not dictate what another nation should do.

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