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发表于 5-15-2014 08:17:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 分析:越南反华示威挑战 '一中各表'?  BBC Chinese, May 15, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... a_vn_onechina.shtml
("台湾的外交部紧急印制 '我来自台湾、我是台湾人' 的越文贴纸,让在越南的台商及其家属能与中国公民有所区分、以求安全")

(2) 越南抗议骚乱中两名中国人死亡.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... i_china_riots.shtml
(“据台商说,一名中国工程人员被烧死。 * * * 但路透社报道引述当地医院的医生说,有21人死于暴力骚乱,其中16名死者像中国人。不过目前尚未有其他消息来源正是路透社的报道”)

(3) Up to 21 Dead, Doctor Says, As Anti-China Riots Spread in Vietnam. Reuters, May 15, 2014 (an hour ago).
www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/ ... USBREA4E03Y20140515


"The [Vietnamese] doctor at a hospital in central Ha Tinh province said five Vietnamese workers and 16 other people described as Chinese were killed on Wednesday night in rioting * * * 'There were about a hundred people sent to the hospital last night. Many were Chinese.'

"Formosa Plastics Group, Taiwan's biggest investor in Vietnam, said its upcoming steel plant in Ha Tinh was set on fire after fighting between its Vietnamese and Chinese workers. One Chinese worker was killed and 90 others injured, it said in a statement in Taipei. It was not immediately clear if the casualties were among those admitted to the Ha Tinh hospital. The plant is expected to be Southeast Asia's largest steel making facility when it is completed in 2017.

"The brunt of the violence has been borne by Taiwanese firms, mistaken by the rioters as being owned by mainland Chinese.

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 楼主| 发表于 5-15-2014 08:17:37 | 只看该作者

(4) Chris Buckley, Chau Doan and Thomas Fuller, China Targeted by Vietnamese inFiery Riots; Dozens of factories hit as dispute grows. New York Times, May 15, 2014 (front-page top report)
(“The marauding crowds appeared to take their greatest toll on Taiwanese and South Korean factories. The few workers and guards who remained in the streets, where the acrid odor of burned plastic lingered early Thursday [May 15], said they assumed rioters were at first confused about the factories’ ownership. then got caught up in indiscrimate looting that rippled out from the show of anger at China”)

Excerpt in the window of print: A misplaced protest over an oil rig in disputed waters.

My comment:
(a) There is no need to read the rest of the report.
(b) The report is translated into Chinese:

Chau Doan and Thomas Fuller, 越南反华情绪失控,外资工厂遭殃. 纽约时报中文网, May 15, 2014.

(5) 中越一百多艘舰船海上对峙. (video)

"The [Vietnamese] doctor at a hospital in central Ha Tinh province said five Vietnamese workers and 16 other people described as Chinese were killed on Wednesday night in rioting * * * 'There were about a hundred people sent to the hospital last night. Many were Chinese.'

"Formosa Plastics Group, Taiwan's biggest investor in Vietnam, said its upcoming steel plant in Ha Tinh was set on fire after fighting between its Vietnamese and Chinese workers. One Chinese worker was killed and 90 others injured, it said in a statement in Taipei. It was not immediately clear if the casualties were among those admitted to the Ha Tinh hospital. The plant is expected to be Southeast Asia's largest steel making facility when it is completed in 2017.

"The brunt of the violence has been borne by Taiwanese firms, mistaken by the rioters as being owned by mainland Chinese.

My comment: Not Reuters!

China Plays Cat and Mouse With Vietnam Coast Guard on Rig. Bloomberg, May 14, 2014
www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-1 ... t-guard-on-rig.html
(“The Thanh Nien newspaper reported yesterday that China now has 86 vessels near the oil rig, including a submarine and a missile ship”)

There is no need to read the rest of the Bloomberg report. The English-language website of the Thanh Nien does not have the report, presumably in Vietnamese language, though.

(6) Greg Torode, US Navy Renews Call for Ship Visits to Vietnam as Tensions Worsen. Reuters, May 15, 2014 (6 hours ago)
www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/ ... USBREA4E06R20140515
(“The Seventh Fleet, which guards U.S. interests in the Pacific, restated its desire for stronger naval ties with Vietnam in a statement sent to Reuters, just as Hanoi looked to be running out of options in its territorial row with Beijing”)

My comment: There is no need to read the rest.
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