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发表于 6-9-2014 11:36:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) I had a posting on June 6, 2014, about 六四学生领袖看台湾太阳花运动 (by cn.nytimes.com). I did not get to read New York Times, and it turned out to be a translation of

Austin Ramzy, Echoes of Tiananmen in Taiwan as 1989 Leaders Nod in Assent; Two who left China declare support for students in Taipei. New York Times, June 6, 2014.

(2) Today I am puzzled when reading

王霜舟, 吾尔开希:我是一个多重身份的自由主义者. 纽约时报中文网, June 9, 2014
("我们自称是自由斗士,但我们失去了自己的自由。我们中有很多人被投入牢狱。我则被迫流亡 * * * 西方知识分子将这种理念称为 '社群主义。' [communitarianism, which I am unaware of (but then again I am not a political scientist)] 台湾正在实践这种理念。 * * * 我有两个儿子,分别是19岁和16岁,他们都在这里长大。我是一名台湾家长。我关心这里的教育制度,安全局势")

, for which there is no English original in www.nytimes.com.

What the difference between this and the previous report. I compare the two, and find
(a) that the previous report focused on Mr Wang Dan (and less on Wu'er Kaixi).
(b) and that a paragraph in the previous report alluded to, and heralded, the current report. The paragraph in question:

"'We call ourselves freedom fighters, but we lost our freedom,' Mr Wu’er said in a recent interview. 'Many of us were thrown into prison. I was forced into exile. But in the flagships of democracy — in exile, I lived in France, the United States and Taiwan — I had a chance to learn about democracy. Where would be a better place to understand democracy than Taiwan, a Chinese society that’s been through its own democratization?'

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