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Why the Korean Ferry Sank

发表于 8-1-2014 06:34:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-1-2014 06:48 编辑

Choe Sang-Hun, Martin Fackler, Alison Leigh Cowan and Scott Sayare, 韩国海难背后,一代商界枭雄的覆灭. 纽约时报中文网, July 31, 2014

, which is translated from

Choe Sang-Hun, Martin Fackler, Alison Leigh Cowan and Scott Sayare, Greed Before the Fall; After ferry deaths, prosecutors see an empire built on corruption. New York Times, July 27, 2014 (front-page top report).
www.nytimes.com/2014/07/27/world ... coons-downfall.html

two consecutive paragraphs:

“Beyond that, it had only 761 metric tons of ballast water, less than half the minimum required. Then the ship’s helmsman turned too far to the right, more sharply than the five-degree turn that the regular captain, who was not working that day, had recommended because the ship was so wobbly, prosecutors said. Crew members and surviving passengers watched as stacks of cargo containers that had been badly tied down suddenly started sliding, throwing the ship’s weight to one side.

“Soon after the first Coast Guard rescue boat arrived, it reported that the ferry was already listing by 60 degrees, making its top deck nearly perpendicular to the water. When rescuers clambered onto the exposed right side of the capsizing vessel, they could see the trapped passengers through the windows but could not help them in time because they did not have the ropes and climbing equipment needed for a rescue, said Kim Sae-in, a Coast Guard official in Mokpo, the port from which the first rescue vessel came. ‘A ship of that size should have taken several hours to flip, not less than two,’ Mr Kim said.

My comment:
(a) Choe. the surname of the Korean reporter, is one spelling of 崔, along with choi, choy and two more. See list of Korean family names
(b) Regarding quotation 2. I can not understand why the rescue workers did not break the windows.  Too thick?
(c) Besides the quotation, there is NO need to read either Chinese- or English-language versions of the report, whose essence is that the corrupt owner died alone of the conglomerate that owns and operate the ferry at issue. See the first two paragraphs. But the real deal in this report is the GRAPHIC (there is only one, whose heading is Prosecutors Call Excess Cargo a Factor in Sinking of Korean Ferry): why the ferry became top heavy after its modifications and turned into an accident waiting to happen.

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