Amanda Little, Building the Whole Foods of China. ... der-to-chinas-elite
(a) This is one of the three feature reports in each issue of BusinessWeek.
(b) “Tony ZHANG’s 张同贵 flagship Nanhui 南汇 farm, 40 miles west of his Shanghai headquarters * * * Other employees in matching jumpsuits hand-dry the fruits and vegetables and place them in bags that bear the motto ‘Organic Starts From Tony’s Farm 有机生活源自多利.’ * * * Before founding Tony’s Farm, he was the owner of Tony’s Spicy Kitchen 多利川菜, a popular restaurant he expanded to 33 locations in six years.”
(i) “上海市南汇区是中華人民共和國上海市已撤销的市辖区,于2009年8月9日零时正式划归浦东新区.”
(ii) Tony’s Farm 多利农庄
(c) Zhang was “sipping a glass of honeydew juice the color of kryptonite.”
(a fictional material: a radioactive element from Superman's home planet of Krypton; the material has featured in a variety of forms and colors (each with its own effect))
(d) “Zhang’s business model, however, differs from that of Earthbound, a wholesaler, and of Whole Foods. Tony’s Farm has no physical store. Instead, its almost 100,000 subscribers 会员 * * * Most subscribers prepay and get weekly deliveries of whatever is in season, staples such as carrots, tomatoes, peppers, and berries, along with Chinese delicacies like red amaranth leaves, sponge gourds, purple begonia greens, wood-ear mushrooms, and yardlong beans. * * * His prices are about three times the average for conventional Chinese produce (the equivalent of about $2.65 per pound vs. 80¢). Earthbound and Whole Foods customers, by comparison, pay a much smaller premium.”
(i) Earthbound Farm
(ii) red amaranth 紅莧菜
(A) It can be
Amaranthus cruentus
(in English it has several common names, including red amaranth; This species was in use as a food source in Central America as early as 4000 BC)
(B) However, 百度百科 says 莧菜 is Amaranthus mangostanus L, whose correct binominal nomenclature is
Amaranthus tricolor L.
(C) Both are edible for leaves and stems. But in US they are cultivated in gardens for bright colors of leaves (A cruentus is red whereas A tricolor , tricolor).
(D) amaranth (n)
(iii) For sponge gourd (絲瓜 or 菜瓜 in Taiwan), see
(a genus; The name luffa was borrowed by European botanists in the 17th century from the Egyptian Arabic name lūf)
(iv) purple begonia (食用秋海棠; 别称: 葡萄叶秋海棠; 学名:Begonia edulis; 中国的特有植物; 生长于海拔500米至1,500米的地区) 百度百科
* This is the first time I heard of this species.
(v) For yardlong beans, see Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis
(“Despite the common name, the pods are actually only about half a yard long; the subspecies name sesquipedalis (one-and-a-half-foot-long) is a rather exact approximation of the pods' length”/ of a different genus than the common bean [ie, string bean])
Cantonese call it 豆角. |