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发表于 9-13-2014 11:44:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 9-13-2014 11:46 编辑

BBC Chinese, Sept 13, 2014.
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... lippines_maps.shtml

(a) There is no corresponding English-language report in the BBC, on this topic.
(b) “菲律宾海事和海洋事务机构与德拉萨大学 De La Salle University 星期四(9月11日)联合举办了一次古代地图展,展出了60多张古代地图。菲律宾官员说,这些展出的地图显示,中国对南中国海的领土要求并不包括陷入两国领土纠纷的黄岩岛。”

Historical Truths and Lies Scarborough Shoal in Ancient Maps; A cartographic exhibit based on the June 6 2014 lecture of Supreme Court senior Associate Justice Antonio T Carpio. Institute of Maritime and Ocean Affairs, Inc (IMOA; a private non-profit corporation at Manila), Sept 11, 2014

* Map 1 "Carta Hydrographica Y Chorographica de las Yslas Filipinas"
mentions “Panacot” shoal.

Scarborough Shoal
(Chinese: 黄岩岛; table: “Other names: * * * Panacot Shoal”)
* Map 4 “Hua Yi Tu 華夷圖[:] Engraved in stone in Fuchang in 1136 AD during the Song Dynasty"

(1131-1137; 奉金國之命建立的大齊國劉豫的年號; correspond to 南宋 宋高宗)
* Map 5 "Da Ming Hun Yi Tu"  大明混一圖
* Map 6 "Da Ming Yu Di Tu 大明輿地圖[:] Published between 1547 and 1559 by the Ming Dynasty. The map shows the then 13 provinces of China during the Jianjing [sic; should be Jiajing 嘉靖 皇帝 (1507-1567; reign 1521-1567)] period. Taiwan is not included and Macau is not marked."  
* Map 12 “Guangdong Tong Sheng Shui Dao Tu”  廣東通省水道圖
* Map 13 "'Guangdong Quan Tu' * * * Published in 1864 in Wuchang, China by Hubei Sheng and Guan Shu Ju 湖北官書局."
* Map 16 “‘Huang Chao Zhi Sheng Yu Di Quan Tu’ 皇朝直省輿地全圖 Published in 1896 in China by Peilan Li 李佩蘭.”

(c) “中国官方的《环球时报》援引中国南海研究院院长吴士存的话说,由于古代的社会条件有限,很多地方都没有在地图上标出,其中甚至包括一些陆地领土。”

菲挑动对华紧张气氛菲外长声称黄岩岛不属中国. 环球时报, Sept 13, 2014

My comment: Websites of Huanqiu, People’ Daily, and China.com have all deleted the article. I am clueless about why.

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