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Film Release for 绝命逃亡 Halted

发表于 9-27-2014 08:58:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 9-27-2014 09:25 编辑

Richard Verrier and Julie Makinen, Nicolas Cage Movie, 'Outcast,' Pulled From Theaters in China. Los Angeles Times, Sept 26, 2014
www.latimes.com/entertainment/en ... 20140926-story.html
(No one can tell why or how long)

(a) Nicolas “Cage's latest movie, ‘Outcast,’ 绝命逃亡 about the exploits of two crusaders in China during the 12th century, has suddenly been pulled from theaters in China, underscoring how unpredictable the country can be”

Its a fiction.
(b) “‘Outcast,’ which also stars Hayden Christensen, had been scheduled to debut today [Sept 26] in China. But its release was halted shortly because [sic; should be ‘before’] the movie was set to be shown in more than 5,000 theaters.”

Hayden Christensen
(1981- ; Canadian)
is a man.
(c) One of the film's producer Jeremy "Bolt said he learned about the decision on Friday from his Chinese partner and the film's principal financier, Yunnan Film Group 云南电影集团有限责任公司.”

(d) “Yunnan sent a last-minute fax to the movie's distributor Huaxi Film, saying that because of the movie's ‘foreign investor and international  distributor’ the film's release was being postponed, according to the Chinese film movie site MTime.com 时光网 [short for 北京动艺时光网络科技有限公司].”
(i) It’s NOT “Huaxi.”
(ii) Huaxia Film Distribution Co, Ltd  华夏电影发行有限责任公司(中国)

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