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发表于 10-5-2014 12:29:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Oct 4, 2014

My comment:
(a) “1884年,当局任命了第一位华人议员,也就是后来成为清末民初著名外交家的伍廷芳。”

WU Tingfang  伍 廷芳
(born 1842 in Malacca; died 1922 in China; Chinese Unofficial Member 非官守議員 of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong [whose Chinese name was 定例局 at the time] 1880-1882)

The English name of Legislative Council of Hong Kong has not changed since it was set up in 1843, but its Chinese name changed once, from 定例局 to 立法會.
(b) 杨慕琪计划  The Young Plan

Mark Aitchison Young
(1886-1974; Governor of Hong Kong 1941, 1946-1947; section 4 Post-Japanese occupation governorship: These initiatives were eventually abandoned under the term of Governor Alexander Grantham because of fears of Communist manipulation)

I have no idea whether the last clause (“fears of Communist manipulation”) was correct.

(c) “英国外交部的档案中,记载了1958年1月30日中国总理周恩来会见英国代表团时向英国首相麦克米伦转达的话”
(i) Young’s successor was Alexander Grantham 葛 量洪 (1899–1978; Governor of Hong Kong 1947 – Jan 23, 1958), who was in turn succeeded by Robert Brown Black (1906-1999; Governor of Hong Kong Jan 23, 1958 – 1964).
(ii) Harold Macmillan
(1894-1986; UK prime minister 1957-1963)

(d) I am not saying The VOA version is correct, either. I simply know too little on this subject to comment one way or another.

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