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Harvard Sophomore Eldo KIM to Get Leniency, If Court Allows Joint Motion

发表于 10-12-2014 09:53:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
My comment:
(1) To avoid taking an examination, he emailed a bomb hoax anonymously. Harvard University evacuated buildings and canceled numerous examinations including his. That same night (Dec 16, 2013) he confessed when interviewed by law enforcement personnel. The next day he was charged. Federal public defender Ian Gold first handled his defense. On Dec 18, 2013 following a pretrial hearing, Mr Kim was “released on $100,000 bond into the custody of his sister, who lives in Massachusetts, and an uncle from North Carolina. Attorneys did not say where he will stay.” Associated Press, Dec 18, 2013. For some reason (which could be that his family is not indigent, thus not eligible for criminal defense at taxpayers’ expense), a noted Boston law firm is currently defending him.
(2) Eldo Kim is an American with Korean heritage (who “became a naturalized US citizen in fifth grade and renounced his South Korean citizenship” according to the same AP report), hailing from Los Angeles. I do not know the origin and meaning of his first name.
(3) The maximum penalty under the statute he is charged is: “If convicted under the federal bomb hoax statute, Kim could be sentenced to up to five years of imprisonment, three years of probationary release, and a $250,000 fine.”
(4) Harvard Crimson, a campus newspaper, reported on Jan 10, 2014: Mr Kim’s attorney (from the law firm) Allison “Burroughs said that her ‘understanding is that once the criminal case is resolved, Harvard will take its own disciplinary actions.’ Such action would likely come in the form of a case in the College’s Administrative Board. A spokesperson for the College declined to comment on the matter.”
(5) In chronological order.

(a) An affidavit from FBI submitted to district court, when the charge was filed. (A charge is distinct from an indictment, which a grand jury hands down LATER--when a defendant declines to plead guilty.)

Affidavit of Special Agent Thomas M Dalton. FBI, Dec 17, 2013.

(b) Joint Motion for Diversion. Oct 10, 2014.

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