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发表于 10-14-2014 06:35:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
储百亮, 习近平治国论政兼用中国诸子百家. 纽约时报中文网, Oct 14, 2014

, whcih is translated from

Chris Buckley, Leader Taps Into Classics in Seeking to Cement Power; A warning on corruption that spans 2,200 years.

three consecutive paragraphs:

Quite unlike the Western liberal version, Mr Xi’s 'rule of law 依法治国' looks more like the 'rule by law 法治' advocated by the Legalists 法家, said Orville Schell, director of the Center on US-China Relations at Asia Society in New York.

"Mr Xi wants party power to be applied more equitably and cleanly, but he does not want law to circumscribe that power, said Mr Schell. This has created an 'enormous amount of misinterpretation in the West that thinks "rule of law" is rule of law in a very Western Enlightenment sense of the term,' he said.

"Mr Xi’s reverence for Confucius is a far cry from Mao, who attacked Confucian traditions as feudal dregs 封建糟粕, to be erased by revolutionary fervor

Note: English originals and respective translations:
(a) "'When those who uphold the law are strong, the state is strong,' Mr Xi said, quoting advice that Han Fei offered monarchs attempting to tame disorder. 'When they are weak, the state is weak.'”

习近平说,“奉法者强则国强,奉法者弱则国弱。” 这是韩非子为试图遏制不法行为的国君提出的建议。
(b) “'He who rules by virtue is like the North Star,' he said at a meeting of officials last year, quoting Confucius. “'t maintains its place, and the multitude of stars pay homage.'”

(c) "Yan Xuetong, director of the Institute of International Studies at Tsinghua University in Beijing and author of 'Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power.'”

清华大学当代国际关系研究院院长阎学通 * * * 著有《古代中国思想与现代中国力量》(

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